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I know that it's been awhile since my last update, but I've been having so
much fun since summer started.  There are so many things that pique
my curious nature.  I try to catch anything that moves, be it a bird, a
butterfly...even a bee!  (Luckily I haven't been able to catch any of
those.)  My latest curiosity, though, are windshild wipers...I try so
hard to catch them through the windshield but they keep eluding me!

My "mommy" and "daddy" have taken me on a few road
Long Island, Michigan....even Niagara Falls!  I just love taking rides
in daddy's van....there's plenty of room  for me to wander and lots of
windows for me to watch what's going on outside.  It's funny when
people drive alongside of us and see me...they always seem to
smile at me!

I'm about 6 pounds now and just had my first birthday on
October 14th.  Mommy made me my very own filet mignon for my
birthday dinner....boy was that yummy :-)
It's getting close to the time that I'll have to go back to my doctor for
my shots...that's one visit I'm not looking forward to :-(

Mommy and daddy had a fence put up in the backyard so now I can
run and play without having to be on a leash.  I don't have to tell
you how much fun that is!

If you're interested, here are a couple of new pictures of me :-)

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Well, that's about it for now....hopefully mommy won't take
as long with my next update!

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