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pastry ingredients
1 cup flour, sifted
1 cup water
4 eggs
1 stick margarine
dash of salt

filling ingredients
1/2 pt. heavy cream
2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 box instant french vanilla pudding mix
1 cup milk

directions for pastry

          Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Bring water to a boil with margarine in saucepan, add salt.
          Add flour and stir until mixture forms a ball and dough leaves side of saucepan.  Transfer
          to a larg bowl, then add one egg at a time, beating well after each addition.  Drop by
          teaspoonful onto reverse side of a cookie sheet (ungreased).  Bake  50 minutes to one hour
          or until lightly golden.  DO NOT OPEN OVEN DURING THE FIRST 30 MINUTES!
          Transfer to cooling rack.  When cooled, split in half and remove any moist excess from
          center.  Set aside.  Makes approximately two dozen.

directions for filling

          In a large bowl beat together the heavy cream with sugar and vanilla. Add the pudding mix
          and milk and continue beating until thickened.  Chill in fridge for at least 1/2 hour.


          Fill pastry puffs with the pudding cream, sprinkle with powdered sugar.  Store covered in
