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Household Hints

     I'm always looking for little hints that are useful around the house.  Here are a few I've found helpful.
     If you have one you would like to share, please email me and I'll be happy to add it to the page.


    Have a few nicks or scratches on your dark wood furniture? Try making a thick paste of instant coffee
    and a little water.  Rub it into the nicks and scratches, then buff. Voila!

    Perhaps those scratches are on your medium wood doors and baseboards?  Try taking a shelled
    walnut and rub over the scratch, buff, then repeat as necessary.

    Nasty water spots on your wood furniture?  Try rubbing lightly with mayonnaise then wipe away the
    excess and buff.

    Have you ever decided to rearrange your furniture but those indentations in the carpet made you
    think twice about it?  Try applying moisture from a steam iron and brush the nap of the carpet.

    Looking for an easy way to clean wicker furniture? Try spraying your favorite dusting or furniture
    polish on an inexpensive paintbrush.  It will easily get those hard to reach dust specks and save you
    some time.

    Wonder what to do with those leftover carpet scraps? You can use them as runners for heavily traffic
    areas, use them as scratching pads for your cat, or cut a piece a little bigger than you are by 36 inches
    wide and you have an exercise mat.

    Hate messy paint trays?  Take a plastic bag and insert the paint tray.  Pour the paint into the tray.
    When you're done painting, pour the remains into a jar and keep for touch-ups, then throw out the
    plastic bag.

    Don't know what to do with those leftover veggies?  Try putting them into a frozen pie crust along with
    any pre-cooked meats, potatoes and gravies and you'll have a delectable pot pie.

    Drying clothes but ran out of fabric softener sheets?  Take a little liquid fabric softener you would use
    in your wash and dab some on a washcloth.  Toss it into the dryer and you have your own fabric softener
    sheet.  Don't have any liquid fabric softener? No problem. Use a little of your own hair cream rinse.

    Do you throw away the lint from your dryer's lint trap? Save it and when you have a good supply, put
    it outside for the birds.  They will love using this in their nestbuilding!

    If your steam iron gets a little slack once in a while, try running white vinegar through it. Let it steam
    until the big bursts are over.  After the iron has cooled, pour out the vinegar, then add water to the
    reservoir and rinse thoroughly.  This should "perk" it up nicely and generate more steam.

    Do you ever burn your fingers lighting candles because the match is too short? Try using a piece of
    uncooked spaghetti. It makes a great "match" and your fingers will thank you!

    Don't know what to do with those left-over slivers of bath soap?  After your first bath with the "new"
    bar of soap, soak the sliver for a few minutes and press it firmly against the new bar, preferably on the
    concave surface of the new bar, and let stand until dry.  Eureka, they have become as one. (Thanks
