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for possible inclusion on this page.





Celine is second to none as far as music is concern, she is just great I truly love her. She does inspire me in everything. She is damm real. She is the best female singer in the world. I  can testify that thru the way she sings. Please accept my praise and please don't rule me out because, I can also say that I'm the first to have love Celine when I heard her hit. Thax for accepting my letter.

Angelina Djikunu

September 4, 2005, 11:28am





I am so happy to read the information here. I love Celine Dion and also believe she is the greatest female singer in the world today. I gave the link to this website to some other people as well - one person never heard of her, believe it or not, but now just loves her... like she doesn't have enough fans as it is. Anyway, thanks again and I'll be visiting often.

M. Jackson (no, not Michael)

August 7, 2005, 8:50pm





On July 23, 2002, I received this mail from Sony Musica Canada:


"Greetings Bruno Félix, 

The website, "Tribute to Céline Dion", that you submitted to has been selected for addition to the Fansites section! To view the list, please visit the "Rendez Vous" section of Your website should appear in the list within 24 hours of this email being sent. Thank you for your submission! 

Sony Music Canada"        



"Tribute to Celine Dion" became the first Portuguese site to be recommended by the official Celine Dion website.





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2000/2007 - Webmaster: Bruno F. - PORTUGAL