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I had missed him so much, I almost hit my knees and asked him to marry me. I didn't want to loose him.

"Tomarrow we get to spend all day together if you can or want. I have so much to tell you about"

"Of course I want to! And no one will stop me. I hate it here Tay. I miss you. I'm leaving, as soon as I get enough money. I'm coming back with you. I can't stand it here, I can't stand it without you."

"Damn it Ashley, I wanted to wait untill tomarrow, but I can't! I need to do this now," Taylor go to his knees, and I knew what was coming. I started bawling.

"Amber, we've hardly known each other a few months. But I feel like I've known you forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, be it in Tulsa, or in Griswold. Will you marry me?"

I was speechless. I knew I wanted to, but the word wouldn't come out. I turned around feeling the precence of someone, and saw Josh. He had a mixed look on his face. Out of pure hatred, even though I didn't know why I screamed, "YES!"

Of course I wanted to marry him anyway, but at that moment I hated Josh, and my stepfather, and my mother. I hated them all for taking him away from me, and I wanted him back.

"Yes. I was hoping you would. My mom was a little skeptical, but she likes you. She support EVERTHING I tolg her last night, and that was alot. Like I'm quitting after this tour, taking my money for the wedding and a house. But theres one thing. My mom has a cop friend, and you have to have your legal gaurdian," and he nodded twoards Josh, "to give you permission. He has to sign all the papers my mom has, I have them all here. Can I come in?"

I totally forgot we were in the doorway, and I nodded. Josh just stared at me.

"I'm getting married to him," was all I said, and we walked into the kitchen.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW?!? I LOVE HIM. THIS IS NOT FAIR!" I watched the little ring catch the light on my finger, and i cried.

"But you're only 16."

"So? Please Josh," I said, calming down. Des was supposed to be here any moment, and I couldn't cry in front of her.

"Ashley, I, I guess so,.... where do I have to sign?"

Taylor pointed everywhere he had to, and I smiled. I was so happy.

"Taylor, does this mean she'll be moving back with you?"

"Um, yes. Her and her friend Des both. Only if Des's parents agree."

"O.K" he said, and he looked at me. i was grinning ear to ear, and I couldn't belive it.

We ran up to my room, and I got ready. I called Des, and she said she was just on her way. But she said that her parents were driving her, so we'd talk about it there.

When I hung up the phone, I pushed Taylor down on my bed.

"It'll take her at least 15 minutes to get here" I said, he smiled, and we kissed...


Chapter 23
Chapter 25