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*Mission: Y-Town In Your Town:

Mission: Y-Town In Your Town
Attention All YT Fans: Youngstown needs your help getting airplay! The Street Team's "Project Pedal" and Florida's "Y-Town In Your Town" are in full effect! Your job is to get radio stations across the US to play "Pedal to the Steel." You can get your local DJ's to play it by requesting via email or phone! Listed below are numbers where you can get in touch with radio stations and suggest that they play our boys! So, get in gear and lets roll!

KQKQ-NE #402-932-9898

KISR-AR #501-785-2525

KQID-LA #318-473-0093

KSMB-LA #318-920-KSMB or #877-945-KSMB

KSXY-CA 707-585-9999

WABB-AL #334-770-9736 or #800-678-9736

WAEZ-VA #540-669-3697 or #800-332-3697

WBBO-NJ #609-978-8985

WBFA-GA #706-257-9714

WDJX-KY #502-571-9970

WDDJ-KY #270-534-4969

WGTZ-OH #937-457-9393

WJJS-VA #540-725-1220 or #800-847-WJJS

WKSS-CT #860-247-9570

WNNK-PA #717-234-9465 or #800-946-5104

WPRO-RI #401-224-1234 or #800-638-0092

WPXY-NY #716-222-9800

WRHT-NC #252-726-9600 or #800-849-HOTT

WRVQ-VA #804-385-9436 or #800-345-94FM

WRVQ-TN #615-737-9107

WSSX-SC #843-721-9595

WSTO-KY #270-685-0960 or #888-685-1961

WVSR-WV #304-385-1027

WXYK-MS #228-388-1071 or #800-547-7361

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