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Look below for all the info on Sammy!

Full Name: Samuel Lopez Jr.
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Birthday: 9/8/77
Fave food: Lasagna
Fave time of day: Night
Fave songwriter: Babyface, Diane Warren, David Foster
Best childhood memory: Niagara Falls
Person who has most influenced your life:Uncle Danny
Been signing/playing an instrument since:6 years old
Were or would have been voted "most" (i.e. most spirited) in high school: Most likely to succeed
Most inspired musically by:Michael Jackson
Favorite place to visit: Home
Who would you most like to meet - living or not: Michael Jordan
CDs in your player right now?: Marc Anthony
Where you were when you first heard your song in public: The Disney Store in Virginia
Book, video, and song that would keep you from going insane if you were stranded on an island: Bible, Michael Jordan - "Come Fly With Me", "Dreamin" by Selena
What is the one essential item you take on tour?: Deodorant
Sports you play: Basketball, football
Describe the other guys in Youngstown: Dallas - intense (perfectionist), D.C. - goofy
How long do you practice (singing/instrument) every week: 5-6 hrs, 6 days a week
The oddest place you've been recognized: Walmart
Do you ever get stage fright? If so, how do you get over it to perform?: Never (a little)
How would you describe your music? Very hype
Fave tune on "Let's Roll"?: "Pedal to the Steel"

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