OTOWN-Memorable Quotes
"OTOWN, more like oh brother."-Erik
"Hey Ikaika can I have your brother's phone number I need to ask you some questions?"-Jacob
"Too little too late. Too little too late..."- Trevor
"He just said give me sexy."-Jacob
"Tell me why I live with a bunch of slobs."-Ikaika
"Here comes the chorus. It's the worst."-Ashley
"My first kiss I was cheating on someone."-Paul
"You guys think you're the bomb already cuz you got the gig you're wrong."-Raymond (choreographer)
"I don't wanna sell-out man."-Ikaika
"Backstreet-went to the concert, sat in the 3rd row by the way. I did touch AJ."-Trevor
"I wanna be like Michael Jackson."-Jacob
"A rock star named Ashley Angel, how perfect is that?"-Judge
"I've wanted to be in a boy band for a long time."-Trevor
"I'm gonna work the magic baby."-Ashley
"I'm pretty sure I can't feel my legs."-Ashley
"I hate waking up."-Jacob
"I think with this, if I don't wake up on time I miss my ride."-Ashley
"Please don't make me leave."-Trevor
"Lions and tigers and bears oh my. and a weight room, oh my."-Mike and the group.
"This is my fan club right here. I'm a lucky son of a gun."-Paul
"I'm from an entirely different world then you guys ya know?"-Ikaika
"I don't know Ikaika and I'm not gonna judge on him. But I know I can bring something to the group that Ikaika didn't."-Dan
"I got a big butt too."-Trevor
"It's crazy dude."-Ashley
"No girl scout cookies tonight."-Paul
"My mind hurts."-Jacob
"Are you too good for your home? GO HOME!"-Paul
"You play you pay."-Ikaika
"He went to a German doctor who's like a throat specialist."-Ashley
"It sounds like Germany."-Ashley
"Someone has to say that sucks."-Raymond
"Why are you trying to get me to say Cori has a nice butt?"-Ashley
"I wouldn't want someone on my team who always wants to go home."-Jacob
"I don't wanna be anybody's slave."-Ikaika
"To see one of my five leave was heart wrenching."-Jacob talking about Paul
"He's lived on Gilligan's Island his whole life."-Trevor talking about Ikaika
"It seems like Ikaika doesn't need to sacrifice anything."-Erik
"I'm goin nuts!"-Mike
"The consensus from everybody is Jay's over-reacting and I'm mad at him too because I don't wanna leave."-Ashley about the New Years' Party
"You can't be yourselves at this point."-Mark (road manager)
"It's about damn time."-Dakari about Trevor
"What if we don't want you back?"-Jacob about Ikaika
"Ikaika was never a part of this family."-Jacob
"I don't see Ikaika as a part of this group."-Erik
"I cannot trust my career in your hands."-Jacob to Ikaika.
"I really do need to go get some water. I just burned my tongue really bad. What a stupid thing to burn my tongue on that. I don't think it's like third degree or anything but like I never burned my tongue that bad before."-Ashley
"They're a great bunch of kids. They really worked hard and they all deserve it."-Mark(road manager)
"My brain is actually going crazy. I couldn't even keep it in the shell I call my body."-Erik
"Shut up Lou. Shut up. God shut up!"-Trevor
"The five that were chosen were the five meant to be chosen."-Bryan
"It was the greatest moment in my life ever."-Trevor
"You better make me proud."-Mike
"You so cocky."-Dakari about Ikaika
"Give us some space? There's like 4,000 miles between us. You want more space? Why don't you go overseas?"-Shelli, Ashley's then girlfriend.
"I don't wanna sound white bro."-Ikaika
"Guys night out."-Ashley, Jacob, and Erik
"Thanks Uncle Jay & Uncle Mark."-Ashley and Erik
"I would definitely want the super mic grip and the pelvic thrusting action on my doll."-Ikaika
"Jacob is too cool to practice."-Trevor
"Get ready. Get hyped. I love this. It's a rush."-Ashley
"I am superman."-Ashley
"I actually felt like 100% like we were a band."-Trevor and Jacob