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This disclaimer is to let you know that although I still greatly respect the musicians in the band Hanson, I am no longer going to update this website on the Hanson related things. I have nothing but good wishes toward the band, and hopes for continued successes. I have reached a point where I no longer desire to run this site as a Hanson-focused site or page. Thanks to those of you who helped make this site possible, and those of you who visited and left kind remarks. I am leaving the website up on the web for any and all who wish to still explore its Hanson contents, and I WILL continue to be updating the Poetry section of this site, and I will still continue to accept all poetry/story entries from YOU, so keep those entries coming in!! I'll still post them here on this site. Please keep in mind that I will not be updating the Hanson part of the site such as Updates, or Appearances, etc. This decision does not mean that I no longer like the music created by Hanson. This decision stems from a desire to focus my life and time on other things. I am a college student, and I do not have the time nor desire to keep this site updated. I have reached a new understanding in my life, and it does not include devoting the time and attention to this band as I once did. The people in the band are great, but I do not wish to devote a website to them any longer. May Hanson enjoy life throughly and continue to do all they dream and hope to achieve. God bless them, and all of you!


Have questions? E-mail me at
