Ike Facts
Ike From Head to Toe
- Ike plays the guitar and sings
- Ike recently got his haircut
- His favorite kind of ice-cream is Baskin Robbins' Super Fudge or Rocky Road
- His favorite pizza toppings aregreen peppers,onions,pepperoni, cheese and jalapeno peppers
- He thinks the phrase used too much
- His favorite color is green
- His favorite subject is science
- Ike's hidden talent is funny impressions of famous people
Isaac was born November 17,1981. He is now 19 years old!!!! Ike is the oldest out of all seven children
Isaac is described as the serious one. Although in action he's goofy. It's just that he's serious
about his music ! Ike loves to go on the internet.
Email: hansonlover@popstar.com