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"Morning beautiful." Brian said, hugging his fiancee. "Hey, sleep good?" she asked, rolling over to face him. He nodded and kissed her on the nose, she giggled. "I'll make breakfast." she said, and sat up to stretch. "I wanna help!" he exclaimed, like a little child. "Okay, how about you do the pancakes and I do the coffee?" she asked and stood up. "Sounds like a plan, I'll be right down after my shower." he replied and stood up. He heard her feet pad on the ground until she was out of the room. He felt sick, but not cold or flu sick, like something else. He couldn't pin point it so he got up and stretched. Then he walked over to the bathroom and turned one of the knobs to the left for some hot water. While it heated up he undressed and noticed he was sticky with sweat. He ignored it and jumped in the shower. But even in the shower, where he should've started to feel better, he felt worse. Afterwards he put his shorts on backwards and ended up trying to put the blue shirt on for five minutes. Then he staggered and stumbled down the staircase to the kitchen. Where he felt the whole room spin before he fell down. "BRIAN!!!!!" Leighanne screamed and ran over to him. "Brian! Please!!! Wake up!!" she cried. But he just layed there, pale and lifeless. Fortuantly he was still breathing. Leighanne's fingers dialed 911 and she spoke in rushed words to the lady on the otherside of the phone. Then she dialed Kevin, because he'd be a comfort to her. "Kevin! I just dialed 911!" she cried. "What?!" Kevin asked, still rubbing his eyes from sleep. "Brian passed out in the kitchen and the ambulance is coming!" she continued to cry. "I'll be right over with Kristin." Kevin said and hung up.

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2000 AC's Backstreet Boys Hangout!!¨ Please don't copy this or I will kick your butt!! Get your own story! Copy Cats suck!