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Chapter One

~~Paris~~ The two arrived in Paris later that day, in fact it was like in the middle of the night when they arrived. Ashley was wired on all the candy she'd brought along, and Sarah was just trying to get used to the concept of the time change. They looked for Sonya as they headed to the luggage claim. Ashley walked with a bounce in her steps. "You are so crazy, eating all that candy. Ya know Sonya is going to be pissed, she likes her sleep." Sarah said to her crazy friend. "I know, but she has to understand she's used to the time concept and I'm not." Ashley replied. "You mean she has to understand you had four lollipops, a handful of tootsie rolls, and seven jolly ranchers." Sarah said. Ashley wasn't paying attention though, she was looking for her luggage. It took the two some time to find all their luggage, but when they did it was too much to carry so Sarah watched the pile of luggage while Ashley went to look for Sonya. She found Sonya looking for the two and when they met the immediately hugged. "How are ya squirt??" she asked, calling Ashley by her nickname. "Good, how are you, miss artist?" Ashley replied. "Great, where's Sarah?" Sonya asked. "Back there gaurding our luggage." Ashley replied. "Ya know, I think you grew four inches since i last saw ya." Sonya commented. "Two, but good guess." Ashley replied and pointed to Sarah. "Sonya!" Sarah exclaimed and the hugged. The two made small talk while Ashley looked for a cart for the luggage. "Hello? People who are chatting their heads off. Can we get to the house?" Ashley asked, giggling. "Sorry Ash, lot of stuff to catch up on." Sarah apologized. The three put the luggage on the cart and wheeled it out of the french airport. "So is the french you took in school working out here?" Sarah asked Sonya. "Big time, alot of people speak english here but the majority speaks french." Sonya explained. Sonya signaled a taxi and explained to the driver in french they'd need the trunk for the luggage. Then the three hopped in and went to Sonya's apartment for the night.

Chapter 2