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"Look, it'll be fine, who cares about touring with five guys?" Sarah reassured her friend. "I care! You know we're both single, sexy, and talented chicks, and with five guys who knows what could happen?" Ashley said. "You do have a point, last time we had boyfriends was back when we were in junior high." Sarah started. "Yeah, and these guys know how it is in show biz, not like the guys at school." Ashley pointed out, and put on more blue lipstick (actually it was a tint of blue with 99% gloss). The two were called Echo because their voices echoed each other. Not just that, but the two were so alike, almost like twins. They were sixteen hours apart in age and had known each other since the sixth grade. Both were now seventeen and ready to tour with the Back stage, street, alley, something like that Boys. "Now, you're packed, I'm packed, we got the stove turned off and the lights. I'm looking good, you're looking good, let's go." Ashley said, grabbing her friend and dragging her to where a shuttle to the airport was waiting. The luggage had been carried out by the driver and he also opened the door for them. They climbed in and chatted excitedly about the tour. "Are you girls going on a tour?" the driver asked. "Yea, with this guy group BackStage Boys or something." Sarah replied. "Where ya going to tour?" he asked. "Europe, and we've never been there, so we're a little nervous." Ashley replied. The shuttle slowed to a halt, the airport hadn't been too far from the apartment they'd shared. "What do you gals go by?" he asked, putting their luggage on one of those rolling carts and wheeling it to them. "Echo!" they called as they left. "We sure packed alot, damn!" Sarah commented as she helped push the cart. "We're going to be gone for forever. You heard our manager, we're going on a long tour, recording a cd in Sweden, and basically going to be in Europe for a couple years. We packed everything we own." Ashley replied. "It's kind of depressing, we've never been to Europe and now it's going to be our home for a couple years." Sarah said. Ashley nodded and they pushed the cart to the luggage thing, where you get them x-rayed, and since they'd already been tagged they ran through the thing and were put on the next cart to their plane. "We have one hour left in America, what do ya want to do?" Sarah asked. "How about we eat some American food?" Ashley replied with a big smile, she was a big fan of McDonalds. "Mickey D's again?" Sarah asked, they'd already had it three nights in a row, and she was getting sick of it. Ashley nodded. "Let's skip it, I heard from Sony they have Mickey D's in Europe." she replied. Sony was their older friend who'd moved to France because she was in an art school for very advanced artists. They hadn't seen her in six months and looked forward to seeing her again. "Well then, let's just get to the plane and wait for it to leave. I'm starting to change my mind." Ashley said, and Sarah for the first time looked at her worriedly. "You're still worried about touring with that heart of yours, look, you'll be fine. I was at the doctors' with you and he said that you'd need surgery but not in the near future." Sarah assured. Ashley had a congenital heart defect, she'd had everything possible go wrong with it, and the doctor told her she'd need a transplant. Not anytime soon, but he told her in about three years she'd be in real need of one. The two headed off to the plane.

Chapter 1