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AC's Hangout!

March 10, 2001

WaSsUp Y'aLl?

HeY eVeRyBoDy! WaSsUp? HoW aRe YoU aNd WeLcOmE tO mY pAgE. i Am VeRy HaPpY bEcAuSe ThIs PaGe Is FiNaLlY sTaRtInG tO bEcOmE gOoD! iT iS nOw ThReE mOnThS oLd! ThAnKs FoR tHe SuGeStIoNs YoU'vE sEnT, aNd PlEaSe PlEaSe PlEaSe SiGn My GuEsTbOoK oN tHe OpEnInG pAgE! BoOkMaRk ThIs PaGe So YoU cAn KeEp ChEcKiNg In As ThIs PaGe SlOwLy BeCoMeS gReAt! ThAnKs AnD cLiCk On ThE mAiLbOx To EmAiL mE! PeAcE oUt!

Where will you go today??

ThE bAcKsTrEeT lOuNgE!

My FaNfIcTiOn!

sLiM sHaDy!

Who is this AC?

My Name is AC and I am only twelve years old. I am in seventh grade and this webpage is the first that has gotten this far. I started building webpages when I was ten, and back then I barely knew what I was doing. No one has taught me this, I have learned over pages and pages. I became better and moved from Acmecity to Angelfire . I have a B average and I am often doing something I shouldn't be! I have a close group of friends, and I love to sing. My dreams are to someday become a professional singer, and if not that I will be a pediatrician or astronaut. I plan to go into the Navy first though. I love the cartoons Sheep In The Big City and Spongebob Squarepants . My favorite sport is basketball and I love the team Orlando Magic . As I move into more and more things at school this website seems to become neglected more and more. I am trying to make a schedule so i can continue this. As you may have noticed, I love the Backstreet Boys, Pink Floyd, Eminem, Led Zepplin, and Madonna. I love to write and soon a few stories of my own will be up. Fanfiction is merely stories of my fav music artists. Bookmark this page so you can watch it progress. See ya in Cyberland! **Poof**


You're still here?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Leave! Go away! This is your list of things to do:

1. Sign my Guestbook

2. Bookmark this page

3. Check out everything

4. Check out the links


Nah, I'm only kidding, the more the merrier! But seriously, this page can't be THAT exciting that you'd scroll all the way to the bottom! C'mon now! Check out the links, and then check out their links, and their links, and don't come back for at least five minutes!

Really, I'm only kidding. Please send me emails at

And thank you VERY VERY much for coming.

You better have signed the guestbook!!