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The Beginning Of Miracles
John 2:1-11

Sermon Outline from the Morning Service - 13 August 2000


This was Jesus first miracle.  Like all his other miracles, it met an immediate need but also taught many important lessons.

I - The Lesson of Example (vs 1,2)

True faith fits into everyday life.  We are not to live isolated lives as we are the salt of the earth.

II - The Lesson of Obedience (vs 3-5)

Many demonstrated submission and obedience.   Instead of tryiung to dictate God, we need to submit to his will.

III - The Lesson of Discernment (vs 6-10)

There is a vast difference between religion and Christianity.  Religion can never bring salvation and peace.  Christ brings the joy of salvation to all who believe.

IV - The Lesson of Blessing (vs 7)

Brimful obedience bring brimful blessing.

V - The Lesson of Participation (vs 7)

This lesson is repeated in every miracle Christ performed.  It is the lesson of divine-human partnership.

VI - The Lesson of Reverse Order (vs 10)

The way of the world is often contrary to the way of God.