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Proofs of the Resurrection
1 Cor. 15:5-11

Sermon Outline from the Evening Service - 16 January 2000

I. Appearances (1 Corinthians 15:5-8)

A. To Peter -- Lk 24:34,

1. This was not the first appearance -- chart
2. Why Peter? He would always have to live with the shame of his denials, but never again with the guilt of them!

B. To groups -- the 12 and 500

1. To the 12 -- the purpose of Jesus choosing these men was to witness, not only His teachings, but primarily His resurrection.
2. It is said that those who purported to see Jesus were hallucinating. a. variety in persons/personalities -- a cross-section of personalities, temperament types and backgrounds.

a. variety in circumstances -- not only individually, but also in groups; different times of the day, inside and outside

b. "hostile" viewers -- the disciples were not expecting to see Him

C. To James, to convince him that He was God. John 7:5; Acts 1:14 D. All the apostles & Paul -- Jesus' appearance to Paul seems to be the end -- "last of all."

II. Changed lives (8-11)

A. The resurrection of Jesus changed the lives of those who saw Him. B. Paul's life before meeting the resurrected Christ -- unfit for the position, not worthy to be an apostle

1. "Born out of due time" -- also "untimely birth" or "abortion"

a. a proverbial expression to say one was unworthy
b. a "post-humus" birth -- Paul came along later.
c. a birth that is imperfect in some sense -- an abortion, miscarriage, a "puny birth." Paul was the runt of the litter!

2. Paul considered himself the least of the apostles because he persecuted the church (Acts 26:9-11).

B. The grace of God -- 11

1. Grace bestowed -- salvation, offering forgiveness & righteousness to one who deserves to be punished forever in hell!
2. Grace working -- sanctifying, 1 Tim 1:12. gifts, those spiritual abilities that were given to serve Christ with.

C. Resurrection is the key -- Acts 17:31

1. It assures us that God accepted Jesus' sacrifice. These men were changed only when they were convince of the resurrection.

2. As Jesus arose and was different, so we, too, are raised to newness of life.

Other Thoughts:

1) the gifts given are to be stirred up; grace can be "given in vain"
2) even the runt can grow big -- 2 Cor. 11:5; 12:11.