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Resurrection Victory
1 Cor. 15:51-58

Sermon Outline From The Evening Service - 5 March 2000

I. The change of the resurrection (51-53)

A. The resurrection truths affects all believers - In 1Thess. 4:13-18 the question seems to be What about those who are dead...what happens to them?    Whereas here the issue revolves around What about those still living?

B. It will happen at the last trump

1. A trumpet accompanies the rapture -- 1 Thess. 4:13-17.
2. The change will be instantaneous the bodies of the dead are regathered and reunited with their spirits.

C. The necessity for the change (must put on). The nature of the work & the nature of the place require a change. God must fulfill His promises.

II. The chant of the resurrection (54-57)

A. Death is swallowed up

1. "So when..." refers to full and complete victory in the future
2. Is. 25:8. A Christian's whole perspective on death changes once he understands the resurrection.

B. The sting is taken out -- Heb. 2:15 - For the Christian there is no sting -- the "bee" stung Christ on the cross and no longer has ability to sting us! We have victory over death, over sin, and over the law.

C. Our victory is in Jesus (His substitutionary death for sinners on the cross)

1. Compare v. 55 with Hos. 13:14. God promised to destroy death. 2. From the Christian's
perspective death is that door through which he enters into the presence of the Lord -- Phil. 1:21-23.

III. The challenge of the resurrection (58)

A. Steadfast in faith (because of the assurance of the resurrection)

1. Steadfast -- holding constant in purpose & perspective
2. Unmovable -- not being turned aside by what others do or say

B. Steady in work (because of the assurance of rewards)

1. Live like you believe in immortality -- live like a pilgrim on this earth, be ready to expend your life for Christ, give yourself to accomplish His purposes and work for His reward "There is nothing more conducive to immorality than a disbelief in immortality."
2. The work of the Lord is the work that "he began to do" (Acts 1:1)