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Growing in Christ
2 Peter 1:3-11

Sermon Outline from the Morning Service - 28 May 2000

I. What is necessary to grow as a Christian? -- v. 3-4

A. "Called" to salvation by God
B. the Holy Spirit's power
C. His Word (1 Peter 2:2)

1. knowledge of Jesus Christ
2. His many promises

D. the divine nature -- a counterpart to the sin nature, it gives us the ability to do what is right

II. In what ways do we grow as a Christian? -- v.5-7
growth in not automatic, we must give ourselves diligently to the task

A. Faith -- the starting point, that must be expanded through further "exercise." Mt. 17:20

B. Virtue -- acting in a way that "perfectly fulfills the designed purpose." Rom. 8:29; Acts 4:13

C. Knowledge -- knowing from experience (not reading or whatever) that God is _______. Heb.

D. Self-control -- reacting in a correct manner, not a selfish manner. Rom 7:18-25; 1 Cor. 9:25-27

E. Patience -- knowing the loving purposes of God, we can face anything with hope. Rom. 8:28

F. Godliness -- humility in actions that is based on a deep reverence for God. 1 Tim 4:7-8

G. Brotherly kindness -- a kindness toward brothers that you may have differences of opinion with.  - Mt. 22:37-39

H. Love -- sacrificing self for another's benefit. Rom. 5:6-8

III. What does growing in Christ do for me? -- v. 8-11

A. It will make you fruitful for His glory.
B. It will help you see the important things of life & eternity.
C. It will remind you to act like Christ.
D. It will enable you to have a firm, steady walk in Christ.
E. It will open an abundant entrance in God's kingdom.

As a believer you have "everything that pertains to life & godliness."