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Contend for the Faith
Jude 1-4

Sermon Outline from the Evening Service - 28 May 2000

I. Introduction (v. 1-2)

A. Who Jude is by relationship

1. Physical -- brother of James.....and Jesus
2. Spiritual -- servant of Christ.

B. Recipients: "to them" -- not a specific church (a general epistle)

1. "sanctified"--in contrast to the unholy living of false brethren
2. "preserved"--in contrast to being reserved for judgment (4-7)
3. "called"--in contrast to those who secretly entered the church

II. The need of the hour (v. 3-4)

A. Jude's burden

1. What could have been written--the glorious truths of salvation 2. What needed to be written concerned the essence and purity of the faith. It is a burden from the Lord....for then and now!

B. Our responsibility -- earnestly contend for the faith

1. Contending = agonize (the extreme striving one goes through for the Olympic Games). Fight the good fight of the faith!
2. The faith -- the basis of our Christian faith

a. this faith was "once delivered" -- it is final, not a continuing revelation nor a changing revelation.
b. at that time there were already essential truths that were accepted, taught and defended -- the fundamentals.

C. What we are up against

1. Deception -- crept in unawares

a. The church is not aware they are false in their testimony.
b. Mt. 7:21-23 in Jesus name; 2 Tim. 3:5
c. examples of NT heresy / apostacy -- resurrection, return of Christ, Judaizers, Jesus not come in the flesh.

2. Corruption -- affecting the character of the body

a. ungodly -- no fear of God (Ps. 55:19)
b. turning grace to lasciviousness -- a license for immorality
c. denying -- Jesus is Lord (absolute Sovereign) God (deity) Lord (total authority in my life) Jesus ("Saviour"), Christ (the Anointed One who fulfills OT prophecy)