The Introductory Rant

Ok, first off I’d like to apologize for the severe neglect of my webpage *slaps self lightly * Bad webmistress bad! In the event that I had to WALK HOME FROM SCHOOL, the ultimate horror, I had a chance to think about what I’ve neglected. Because forty minutes of walking is a lot for me. Also, it gave me some time to think about the errors that I made on my English final… What *is * the difference between affect and effect? Anyway, I thought about my webpage thing (and yes, the new design took a lot of brainpower) and decided to put up the rant section. This is simply because I always have plenty to rant about Like walking home for example. It wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t sick. I could have one of the following today: food poisoning, lead poisoning or a parasite. Whatever it is, it makes you puke until your stomach hurts and is devoid of food and it makes you shit water. The only good thing involved is the fainting, but that’s another story…

My parents seem to have disappeared… I can smell my dad’s cologne. Will wonders never cease! My dad is wearing cologne. Commercials are boring… more Ovaltine please! It sounds suspiciously close to ovaries (Microsoft Word picks it up as “ovulating”)… What joy can be brought to you when you eat human eggs! Ok, that crossed the line right there, I apologize. Ooh, soaps are on, yes!

I know some of you must be wondering about the voodoo thing on the front page and no, I don’t do voodoo. I could, but the thought of collecting someone’s urine displeases my stomach. Puke yes, urine, no. After puking countless times in a row, I’ve developed a tolerance to it. Kicked dog and Frank, my muses, would probably like collecting urine. Don’t worry, I’ll get a picture of them up soon. I want to get the good stuff in my scanner first.

The voodoo thing started when my friends and I got into a big fight. I told this one chick that she would fail her English test and other that she would be caught cheating because of my curse. Well, will wonders never cease, it happened. Somehow my friends think that curses and voodoo are the same thing. I guess you really can’t teach old dogs new tricks…But, seriously, that creeped me out big time.

You’re probably wondering what this has to do with the Backstreet Boys and the answer to that question, theoretically, is nil, nada, and diddlysquat. But that’s okay because I’ll rant about the shit that happens to them too, just so that I can get a rise out of you people. Insults will be flamed here and I know lots of people will be looking forward to that. One of my friends bet her house that I would win in debate against my Social Studies teacher. I like my Socials teacher, she knows a lot about Brian.

Oh, and one more thing. Anyone who doesn’t like my rants can face the wrath of my FINGERNAILS. Many people who have claimed to see the daggers have cowered in fear and shear terror. In fact they’re probably wondering how I can type. I can say that it’s very, very difficult. That’s why the Nick story takes so long to put up. Actually, that’s a lie but… This section is for those who wanted/dared to know a bit more about me. All I’m saying is that you asked for it!

Back to the Rants! Cuz I know ya wanna read more!
