Answers To the BSB Quiz

(You skipped straight to the answers, didn’t you? Oh well, so did I!)

1) A. Kevin is the certified ballroom dancer.
2) B. Howie loses his luggage the most (as of 1997. They really don’t talk about that kind of stuff anymore).
3) A. This is a trick question. He was harassed in Orange Grove too, I’m sure. But I was thinking more on the lines of Junior High.
4) C. Another trick question. He likes all of those foods, I think. But apparently on the road he likes his mac & cheese, so I’ll leave it at that. At least, that’s what my book says.
5) E. I’m sure if you went to the concert you’d remember this date.
6) B. Again, if you went to the concert you’d probably know this one.
7) E. That’s pretty good! I think it did better in Canada though…*ducks*
8) D. I like that stuff too. Actually I like Brian’s favorite flavor, but I’m not saying what because I might need it for a future question.
9) A&B. Really tricky question! You have to know your BSB and trust yourself to get this one. If you said that both Brian and Howie play guitar, you’re right!
10) D. Nick. I saw the picture, he’s doing pretty good. He should be playing with Brian in no time!
11) C. It’s called a ventricular septical defect. I have one too. It’s basically a heart murmor. I’d get into it but…I’ll spare you.
12) A. It’s the Brian Littrell Fund for Pediatric Cardiology at St. Joseph’s Hospital. What a great cause.
13) C. Psychology. Hey, that’s not too crazy. Remember how badly he wants to figure us fans out?
14) A. Sammy Davis Jr. And I bet his mom is too. Who is Sammy Davis Jr. anyway?
15) A&C Kevin is related to Brian, and he’s apparently left handed! That’s what my book says…
16) A. Acrophobia, the fear of heights. He’s got the same fear as Brian, according to my book. Geez, how many answer A’s do I have?
17) E. According to my dad, it’s eight times. He’s very proud of that number. Men, go figure.

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