1) C. I’ve never read that book.
2) D. I’ve never heard of them.
3) A, C, D & E. Although he probably likes Jim Carrey too. Brian is very influential.
4) B, D, & E.
5) A. Hmm, I haven’t seen that movie either.
6) B. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that song…
7) C & E. Rosanne used to be funny.
8) E. Kevin sure loves peanut butter!
9) C. Kevin says he could eat those babies forever. Lol!
10) A&C. Kevin turns all his victims black and blue.
11) D. He drives a BMW 850.
12) E. Never heard of the stuff.
13) A, B, C, D & E. Wow, he does all of those things!
14) B. Hmm, I wonder what he needs all the cars for…
15) A. Oh boy, he’d better not get hurt again.
16) C.
17) E. I can’t imagine…

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