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Another Song for Rose


(Sequel to Rose’s Song – A Savage Garden Fan Fiction Story)


[Disclaimer: This story is fictional and from my imagination! Some parts may not right for children or the easily offended. No harm is meant at all!!! In my mind, I am the character of "Rose"  I received my inspiration not only from several SG songs but also by hearing "Lucky" by Britney Spears (the song is all right but it helped!!) - Copyright Darren's Angel - J. M. Smekar -  2000]


Previously: Rose and Darren have fallen head over heels in love. No one knows at all! Is she prepared to give up everything for love? Read ahead and find out…


Rose and Darren were in her room and just woke from a long nap. Darren asked her if she wanted something to eat. She said "Sure" as they walked into her kitchen to make something to eat.

She didn’t have a lot of food in her kitchen because she was on the road so long. After making some sandwiches, they grabbed some cherry cola, and sat down on her couch to watch TV.

Rose couldn’t believe her ears as the announcer on the show said, "Is it true about Rose is dating Darren Hayes of Savage Garden? Several sources say it is so, and they are in a secret location…"

Rose was so stunned that she dropped her plate and broke it. Then she broke down crying.

Darren consoled her and said, "I never said anything, I can’t believe that we aren’t entitled any privacy. You know I love you dearly. I know what it is like."

Rose got up and saw a group of photographers surrounding her house. She told Darren to stay down. She opened the window and yelled, "Go away, I am entitled to my privacy, this isn’t a scene from Notting Hill. Leave before I call the cops!"

She shut the shades tightly. Then she saw Darren picking up the pieces of the broken plate off the carpet. She though to herself: ‘I am a lucky woman. I just wish people realized I had a life to live.’

Darren disposed of the broken plate then returned to the couch. She said, "How will you get out without being detected?"

He said, "I will, not now. You need me now. I will stay the night here, on the couch like a gentleman. I will not compromise you or force you into anything."

"How about a movie? I want to see Titanic again. I haven’t seen it for several months", she said as she went to place it in her VCR.

"Sounds good to me. Come next to me", he said. Then he took her in his arms with the shades drawn and the lights low. She turned on the movie and they began to watch it.

During the scene that Jack and Rose were separated at the lifeboats, Rose started to cry. Her mind flashed back to the morning they were separated after the 1st holiday in Australia.

"What’s wrong?"

"This scene always make me cry. It reminds me of every time we have to be apart!" she sobbed quietly.

Darren embraced her tightly and kissed her. Not long afterward, she had fallen asleep in his arms at peace, breathing quietly. He just switched the TV off and laid there too. He did not want to wake her especially after what had just happened that day. It was now near midnight. Rose stirred quietly and realized that she had fallen asleep. Darren was just awake and was watching her sleep.

She asked him, "What happened?"

He told her quietly, "Let me take you to your room."

Rose was helped up and led to her room. Darren just sat on the bed then Rose laid down and covered herself. He laid next to her and told her just to lay there and sleep. She did just that. Nothing happened between them.

Rose woke up early and saw Darren just lying there on top of the bed with his clothes still on. She got up quietly and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. Before she realized it, Darren had woken up to the smell of the coffee.

He kissed her good morning and she kissed him back.

"You can’t stay forever. You will need to change clothes. You need to…" She was saying in a shaky voice.

"I want to stay forever. There will be a way." Darren said as he sipped his coffee.

"Do you want to sacrifice my career? I would do anything to stay like this forever." Rose said.

"I will not force you to do anything. Just ask God for guidance, he will help you along." Darren said tenderly.

The phone rang and Rose picked it up. It was her assistant Becca: "Rose, what’s going on? There are photographers everywhere."

"It’s that story about me and Darren. Just don’t say anything. If you do, I cannot guarantee anything."

"I know that nothing is going on."

"Good, just keep it that way or else."

Rose hung up the phone. Darren knew what was going on. He knew much more about life as a famous person. Rose was learning the very hard way.

Darren called Daniel on the phone to arrange for some clothes until things died down. Daniel came by to give Darren a few changes of clothes about a few hours later. How he managed to get by the press was a miracle.

Darren stayed with Rose for a few more days then he had to go back to work and a few personal appearances that were needed. On Saturday night, he had to leave.

Rose pleaded with him but he told that he would be back soon. Rose was distraught but Darren realized that she was hurting inside. He held her in a tight embrace and tears were just coming down her face.

Then she said, "Parting is such sweet sorrow. Do you think that we shall ever meet again?"

Darren said to her, "Of course, I have more will to stay to will to go. But I have to go now. Just call me tomorrow."

Rose let him go, and watched him leave with tears in her eyes. She was sad as the limo pulled away. It would be several weeks without him.


The phone rang early on Sunday morning. "Hello" she said half asleep

"I love you more with every breath, truly, madly, deeply do…" the voice said, it was Darren.

"Where are you?"

"San Francisco, I had to fly out last night. It is the last appearance and show. I left you something on the dresser, look."

Rose found a large envelope. Inside was a ticket to San Francisco, 1 way with her name. On top was a large red rose with a piece of paper that simply said: "A rose for my precious Rose"

"Just let me pack, I am coming to see you! Thank you, I love you so much!!" Rose said.

After talking a few minutes longer, she packed a few things and asked Becca to watch the place. She told Becca she was going on a 2-week vacation to write some music and asked not to be bothered.

She got into her truck with her 2 suitcases and carry on bag, and drove to the airport to get her plane. The attendant parked her car in the VIP area and took her bags to the ticket area. She realized that she had gotten to the airport without being bothered at all.

She heard the announcer say, "Flight 8050 to San Francisco now boarding."

She picked up her carry on bag and gave her ticket to the attendant. She walked to the back of the plane to her seat. A man was sitting there with his head already in a magazine smelling of a familiar scent to her. She said nothing to the man as she placed her bag under her seat, then pulled out a book. The flight would be for about 5 hours, and she needed to pass the time.

"Hello Rose, mi amor", it was Darren speaking to her in a low voice.

"Keep quiet, I had to get here early to get the surprise ready. You need a vacation and we will not be apart. I can still do my appearances. I have even arranged for a few of your own."

Rose could hardly contain herself but she did. She felt much better. They both took a nap on the flight, and they held hands during the 5-½ hour flight.

When the plane landed, they managed to get off without being detected. A limo was summoned, and they went to Darren’s place overlooking the bay. There, they would have much more privacy. Darren’s show was the following night. He promised her a great time in the Bay area with many surprises. She didn’t know what to except but to go along for the ride.

Rose sat in on the pre-show stuff the next day in disguise. She just looked like another fan, and it felt good not be recognized. At the show that night, Darren picked her as the "Hold Me" girl because in real life she was the girl. After the show, Rose went back and congratulated him. Then Darren took her to the bus so that they could be alone, something that hadn’t happened since the morning.

She said, "Thank you for choosing me."

He said, "I had to, your are my Hold Me girl and I will never let you go. When the crowds go away, we will go back to my place. I am going to show you the San Francisco I love tomorrow. You will have the time of your life."

Around 1 a.m., the limo pulled up and took Darren and Rose back to his place overlooking the bay. They walked, and Darren was listening to his messages on his phone. Rose walked into the living room and just looked out the window to admire the lights, the stars, and the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance. Darren walked behind her and put his arms around her, and told her that she was going to see all of this stuff up close. They just stood there looking out of the window, and then they went to his room to sleep only.


"Rose, wake up, you must see this" Darren said as he kissed her cheek like she was Sleeping Beauty being awaken by her prince.

It was a beautiful red-orange sunrise coming up over the bay. Rose was not totally awake but she still was awed by the sight. Darren walked in with some breakfast take-outs that were ordered on a tray with a red rose in a bud vase. They just sat there and enjoyed the breakfast on her bed, and then they turned on the news.

The newscaster said, "Savage Garden awed the fans in the Bay Area last night. If you were the Hold Me girl during that part of the show, we would love to talk to you. They looked really good on stage. Darren Hayes and Daniel Jones certainly know what their fans want and except, and they deliver. Here is a brief clip from last night’s show…Enjoy!! Now back to you in the studio."

They were both happy with the positive reviews. Rose went and took a shower, then changed to her favorite outfits because she had an appearance at a record store that was arranged for her by Darren. After the appearance, he was going to show her the town.

Rose went to her appearance but Darren wasn’t there. He stayed in the limo because he came in, it would turn into chaos. After a few hours of signing autographs and posing for pictures, she was escorted out the back to the waiting limo. Darren asked her "Are you ready to see the town?"

Rose said, "Yes, I am" as she slipped on her baseball cap and sunglasses and removed her jewelry.

Darren had the driver take them all over San Francisco. They had a great meal in Chinatown, rode the cable cars, went shopping, viewed the bridge and the bay, went to the pier, and enjoyed a picnic at a bayside park in privacy.

On the way back to his place, he said, "I have another surprise for you. Go change in your favorite dress. I want to take you to some place special."


She went and changed to her favorite semi-formal dress, a black sheath, tank style, tea-length style that was loose fitting and then wrapped her new black pashima style shawl with some hand stitched small flowers on it. She put on her newer black block heel shoes. She put her long red-brown hair into a French twist.

Darren came in as she was ready to put in her jewelry and was taken back by her looks. He had never seen her look so beautiful and also never seen her in a formal style dress. He took her pearl necklace and fastened it for her then kissed her neck. He was wearing a nice black suit that he didn’t wear too often.

They went to the waiting limo, and the driver was instructed to drive to a restaurant near the pier that was really romantic. When they got there, it was empty. They walked in together then the maitre’d said, "Good evening, Mr. Hayes, your table is this way."

A private table was set up for them in the corner by window overlooking the bay. The stars were shining brightly. The candles were lit and a rose was placed in the bud vase. Rose was quite stunned and speechless by what was happening. Then the waiter brought a bottle of champagne and 2 glasses then left them alone for a while.

Rose was overcome and asked him, "What is going on? What did I deserve to get this great treatment?"

Darren told her, "You are a special person. I never thought that I would never find another person to share my life." Then he was becoming a bit tongue-tied. He looked up at her and realized she had a few tears falling down her cheek.

Then her took her hand and said, "Rose, I love you very much. I support your choices in your life. I do have another surprise for you. Now close your eyes for a moment."

Rose did as she was asked. Then he told her "Open your eyes."

A small grand piano was rolled out near their table. A man was at the piano playing the intro to the song, "Truly Madly Deeply". It was Daniel Jones. Darren asked her to come with him to the piano. She got up and walked with him. Then Darren began to sing the song to her. She was reduced to tears, and her make up was running badly at this point.

Afterward, Daniel said, "Thank you for letting me be here. I will go now and leave you two alone."

The piano was rolled away then Darren got down on one knee, and said, "Rose, I love you very much. I want to tell the whole world about it. I want to know if you will marry me and be my wife and partner for life? I am complete now that I found you."

Rose was stunned and nearly fainted at the words that she thought she would never hear. She said, "Yes, Yes!" and he slipped a beautiful sapphire and diamond ring on her finger. She hugged him tightly, and asked him, "I’m not dreaming, am I?"

He said, "No, you’re not."

Darren pulled out a hanky from his pocket and dried her tears. She sat down and just stared at the ring then started to cry again. He came and held her hand tightly. After a toast to their new life ahead, they left the restaurant and returned to his place.


The remaining weeks was a blur as they traveled together and started to plan the wedding. She told Becca that she needed more time to write and relax, and she understood that Rose needed the time.

It took them 2 months to reserve everything that they needed. It was time to tell the world, or their families at least of their happy news. They flew out to Brisbane, and told his family. They were all so happy for the two of them. They made arrangements for everyone to fly to Michigan to so that they could see Rose and Darren exchange vows at her home church. Everyone was sworn to secrecy because this was a moment that they wanted to share without the whole world knowing everything ahead of time.

Rose had a dress especially made for by her sister: It was a replica of the dress worn by Rose that had the pink sash and was made of cream colored chiffon (the new). She was given a small sapphire and diamond necklace that resembled the heart of the ocean (the blue), her mother’s pearl ring (old), and a gold bracelet (borrowed from her sister).


The big day finally arrived two months after the proposal. Rose had her long reddish brown hair curled in the style worn by Kate Winslet in Titanic. She wore a small rhinestone tiara with a long veil with blusher. Her sister, her 2 cousins, and her stylists assisted her in getting ready. She was a bit nervous but she thought of the big moment when the world would know then she that would be Mrs. Darren Hayes in just about an hour.

Someone knocked on the door. It was the priest that would preside over the ceremony. He asked if everyone was ready to get started, and they were ready.

Everyone lined up to go down the aisle. Rose was the arm of her father, and was able to see Darren with his best man, Daniel and the priest approaching the altar through the windows of the closed doors.

‘He looks breathtaking in his suit!’ Rose was thinking to herself as "Pachelbel’s Canon" was being played. Then it ended, and the notes to "The Wedding March began. The doors of the church were opened and Rose and her father came down the aisle in the church filled with flowers and candles.

The congregation ahhed and oohed when she came down the aisle. A smile came across Rose’s face when Darren looked at her. He was taken away too by her look that day and smiled her too. At the altar, Rose’s father kissed her forehead as he lifted her veil’s blusher then he placed her hand in Darren’s then he stepped away. Then they went to the kneelers in the front of the priest as the ceremony began.

The priest began the ceremony: "Dearly beloved, we are together in the presence of God to join Rose and Darren in Holy Matrimony…..If anyone has just cause, please say it now or forever hold your peace."

The priest continued to speak more about marriage and what was required and excepted of them as a couple. Then Rose’s sister read from the Bible about the love of Rachel and Jacob & how he waited 7 years for her. Then Rose’s best friend, Ruthie, read the epistle of Paul about the attributes of love. Next, Rose’s cousin Carrie read the Elizabeth Barrett Browning poem about love that had the words "I love you…smiles, tears, of all my life…" Then the priest read the story of the ceremony at Cana where Jesus performed his 1st miracle. A brief homily was spoken, and then it was time for the vows to begin.

"I, Rose Ann-Marie take you Darren Stanley to be my lawfully wedded husband, I promise to be true to you in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do us part."

"I, Darren Stanley take you Rose Ann-Marie to be my lawfully wedded wife, I promise to be true to you in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do us part."

"With this ring, I thee wed in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit." Darren said as he placed the ring on Rose’s finger. It was a large Tiffany style with a gold band.

"With this ring, I thee wed in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit." Rose said as she slipped a simple gold band on Darren’s finger.

Then while they lit the unity candles then they spoke the personalized vows they wrote for one another. They looked deeply in each other’s eyes as they spoke the words. Both of them were nearly moved to tears at this point.

"Darren, I love you very much. I realized this long before I met you. Before you, all of those in my life didn’t complete me. I realized that I had found you and I am now complete. I am ready to lead a life with you that will have many twists and turns but I know we will do it together, always and forever."

"Rose, my life was not the same before I met you. It changed after that night we sang together for the 1st time. I realized that I had truly found my soul mate and angel for life. What ever comes, I will support you in decision that you make. I know I love you truly madly deeply do. If you fall, I will be there to catch you always."

Much of the congregation was in tears at this point. Then the priest said, "Whom God has joined together, no man shall separate. I now pronounce you husband and wife in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I am pleased to introduce for the 1st time, Mr. and Mrs. Darren and Rose Hayes. You may now kiss the bride."

As the notes swelled for "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee", Darren and Rose kissed for the 1st time as husband and wife, then went down the aisle joyfully. Then they received their guests before several limos were brought up to take people to the reception.


Rose and Darren rode around town in their private limo just enjoying it every moment alone. The limp pulled up, and Darren helped his new wife out of the limo. Then they entered the reception hall to thunderous applause as the emcee said, "Please welcome the new Mr. and Mrs. Darren Hayes!"

They walked in proudly and went to the bridal table in the center of the hall. It was all decked in ribbons, roses, and candles for a romantic atmosphere. Party favors were at every seat: a matchbook, candles, and candy. Also there was a picture of the bride and groom taken the night they first met at her concert. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful buffet meal also.

Daniel offered the 1st toast as the best man: "Please raise your glasses to my best friend and songwriting partner, Darren and his new wife, Rose. Darren, she will make you very happy and be the inspiration for many more songs. Rose, he will take care of you and see that you want for nothing. May you both have many wonderful years of married life ahead."

Darren and Rose clinked glasses with Daniel then sipped the champagne. Then it was time for the 1st dance. The emcee said, "Please welcome the bride and groom as they take to the floor for the 1st dance. They will dance to ‘Truly Madly Deeply’ which was the groom’s selection for his bride."

The song came on, and they just held each other close on the dance floor as the song continued to play. They even kissed a few times with much applause. Then the emcee said, "This is the bride’s choice ‘My Heart Will Go On’ for her groom".

During the song the wedding party and the parents came out to the floor. They remained on the floor as ‘Unchained Melody’ came on and played. Afterward, the emcee asked them to cut the cake.

They cut the large layer cake decorated with candy roses of many flowers. Then they each fed a piece of chocolate cake to the other nicely, then they decided to smash it. The guests knew that they would do that. After cleaning up their faces, it was time for the bouquet and garter toss.

Then Darren surprised his bride with a gift. Daniel brought out his keyboard and Darren serenaded her with "I knew I Loved You". At the end of the song, Rose was near tears like many of the people in the hall. She hugged Darren tightly and kissed him, then whispered "I love you so much!"

At midnight, Darren and Rose left the reception that still was in full swing to change into their going away clothes. Then they left the reception hall showered in rice and bubbles. They got into the limo and were driven to their hotel suite for their wedding night, then the next day, they would be going on their 4 week honeymoon to Paris, Rome, and London: places Rose wanted to go but never got the chance to see.



She changed into a long white silk and lace nightgown nervously. During this time, Darren lit a few candles, and some romantic music was playing on the CD player. He brought a bottle of champagne with 2 glasses on the table next to the table.

Rose emerged from the bathroom to see Darren waiting for her by the bed. He was wearing black silk pajamas and handed her a red rose. "A rose for my Rose" he said. Then he opened the champagne and poured some into each glass.

"To my wife, my partner, my soul mate for life. I will never let you go" he said to her tenderly.

"You have made so happy." Rose said with tears in her voice.

Then they toasted and drank a bit of the champagne. He took her glass and put it down on the table. Darren pulled her close to him then he kissed her the way she was kissed the 1st night they met but with more intensity and feeling. Rose was starting to feel feelings she had never felt before. Then the lights went out.

Rose was nervous but Darren was understanding and tender towards his new bride. He wanted this night to be one she always remembered. They continued to kiss and touch one another, and took their time. They had all night, and in fact the rest of their life.

Rose said, "Put your hands on me, and take me to the stars. I want to know all of you."

The kisses and caresses became deeper and they started to rip off their nightclothes. Rose was a bit nervous just before the inevitable.

Then it happened. Rose never felt the way that Darren was making her feel. She had never experienced those feelings and sensations before. It was hard to describe what she was feeling during those few hours they were making love for the 1st time.

"That’s why you’ve got to hold me…" she said to Darren after it was over.

Darren held her close as she wanted. She was smiling and kissed him. Then he said, "You’re trembling."

"Don’t worry, I’ll be okay. I love you so much." Rose said to him very quietly she kissed him again.

They just laid there in the bed without their clothes with the blankets on them. The pajamas were on the floor in a mess. Rose rested her head on Darren’s chest to listen to his heartbeat. He caressed her hair then she sat up a bit and looked at him and smiled.

She said, "Do you have any idea I much really love you?"

Darren said, "More than there are stars in the sky."

She said, "I couldn’t have said it better."

Darren started to sing a bit of a song to her, "You’re the best thing about me, Rose."

Rose became a bit emotional as he sang a few lines to her. He just held her close then they fell asleep. Rose was in his arms all night. She belonged to him forever and vice-versa. For her, it was worth the wait.


The alarm clock went off at 8 a.m. because they had a noon flight, and needed plenty of time to get ready. Darren kissed her good morning then she woke up and kissed him back.

"Good morning, Mrs. Hayes." Darren said to her in a whisper.

"Do we have to get up now? I want to lay like this forever." She said

"So do I, but you will never see Paris, Rome, or London this way." He said tenderly.

They changed it into their traveling clothes, and Darren called for the limo to take them to the airport. They managed to get out to the airport undetected despite the news that the world finally found out about them.

One of the newspaper headlines even read: "Rose, the singer of ‘You’re here’ married Savage Garden singer Darren Hayes in a private ceremony in her hometown. The newlyweds are planning a European honeymoon. They are rumored to be doing an album together in the future. The couple wishes for everyone to respect their privacy during this time, and will make official statements later and release pictures to the media regarding their special day. The couple had been dating for quite some time and kept the relationship under wraps considering the lifestyles of singers being on the road."


They boarded a private plane to go off on their honeymoon together. The flight took about 14 hours and they relished every moment of peace on the plane. Their travel plans were a week in Paris, then a week in Rome, then a week in London, then Darren had a special place to take her for the last week. Then they would split their time between Brisbane, Los Angeles, and Detroit in preparation for the new album after the honeymoon was over about 3 months then settle permanently in San Francisco.

Darren wasn’t much of a tourist but did show Rose his favorite areas of Paris included the most romantic ones. They ate in the cafes, had picnics by the Seine River, did some shopping, and danced slow dances in the clubs. No one knew that they had seen a famous couple together and they kept it that way. They even went to the countryside and toured many famous places. It was a relaxing week in Paris.

The next stop was the Eternal City, Rome. Rome was even more romantic. They visited many museums and cathedrals, plus enjoyed great food. Then after a week, they went to London to take in the many sites and sounds. They had the time of their life.

Then Darren told her that he had a surprise for her: a trip to Tahiti and their own private island with a cabin on the beach for a whole week. There would be no interruptions, no media, and nothing to bother them.

They flew to Tahiti for the remaining week of the honeymoon. They wrote songs together and just relaxed together under the shade of the palm trees in the sand on the beach. They didn’t want to leave ever. The final night of the honeymoon was memorable for the both of them, and they stayed on the beach all night like the famous scene from the movie From Here to Eternity.


The next day, they flew back to Brisbane to truly begin their married life. They worked long hours in the studio with Daniel and others to debut a very special album: their very first collaboration. A statement was released to the media about their marriage:

"Yes, we were dating for a long time but chose to keep it private. Just because most of our lives are in the public areas, some things need to not be revealed to the public. We were married 4 weeks ago and honeymooned in Europe. Now we are working together on an album to be released sometime this year or next. Rose and I are very happy together and wish that our private lives be kept private. If there is something to reveal, we will tell it. Thank you for understanding."

For 10-12 hours a day, the album was worked on in the studio. Rose and Darren were proud of their efforts. They were flying back and forth a few days a week between 2 continents to work but it was worthwhile.


The media was hyping this debut album very much during the 3 months they were working on it in Australia and America. They were ready for the release when Rose starting feeling sick and not herself for about a week or so. But she never told Darren that she was sick and kept working because of her work ethic.

They were ready to record the title track to the album when Rose said for the 3rd time, "Excuse me, I’ll be right back in a second."

Then she ran to the bathroom and closed the door for the 3rd time that morning. Darren was a little worried so he knocked on the door, and Rose said slightly breathless, "Everything is okay, it must have been something we had for dinner at the Thai restaurant, and that garlic chicken just didn’t agree with me even though I eaten it so many times before. I’ll be right back, Daz dear."

A few minutes later, it really got bad when they were ready to finally begin, and she finally collapsed from the exhaustion.

"Rose!" Darren exclaimed as he felt her face, "Oh God, what happened? Wake up baby! Daniel go get your car, now!"

Daniel ran out of the studio, and pulled up his car to the door. Rose wasn’t responding to Darren’s words and felt a bit cold to the touch but she was breathing some. Darren picked her up and carried her out of the studio, and Daniel drove them to the emergency room. Rose was weak and needed care. Darren kept talking to her in the car for must have been an eternity of 5 minutes it took Daniel to drive there.

She was brought in and the doctor took her and Darren a room to find out what was wrong. She was given an IV with fluids for dehydration. The doctor at the hospital ran the usual tests and it would be a few minutes.

She said, "I don’t feel too good" in a weak voice.

Darren said in a tender voice, "It’ll be okay, just lay down, just rest. I’m here."

They waited for about an hour to find out what was wrong. Rose fell asleep with Darren holding her hand as he was sitting in the chair next to her.

Rose woke up and was sitting up in the bed of the room with Darren next to her when the doctor walked and told them, "I have great news for the both of you. Rose, the reason for your exhaustion and sickness is that you are 2 months pregnant. Congratulations."

Darren and Rose hugged tightly and kissed. Both of them wanted children but they never excepted it this soon even with all of the work surrounding the album.

Daniel drove them home, and Rose was told to rest. Darren just sat next to her and then he picked the phone to tell his and her families the great news. Everyone was very happy for them.


Late that same night, Darren was writing at the table when a tired Rose asked him to when he was coming to bed. He said, "I have been inspired to write about the child to come, do read what I am writing. Then I will join you."

Rose sat down and looked at the pad of paper that had a lot of scribbling and some words that were going come together in a song. "This is a song for my child, I want to see you but it is not time yet. I want to see your smile, hear you laugh, dry your tears, watch you grow. But I am content to just watch your mother smile as she waits for you to come to see us."

Rose said, "This is really good" as she wiped a tear.

Darren said, "Let’s go to bed. You need to rest now. I will come with you", and he led back to the room.

Rose climbed back in bed, and fell back asleep in Darren’s arms. He started to hum a soft song as she slept then he fell asleep himself.


A week later, Rose was recovered enough to be able to go back to record her remaining 3 tracks. The events of the past few weeks inspired a song that made it on the album just before its’ release called "A Child’s Heart" written by Darren. It was inspired by Rose’s 1st doctor’s appointment when they had both heard the 1st heartbeats and seen the 1st ultrasound pictures of their unborn child.

Rose and Darren did a promotion for the new album at a record store a few weeks later in Brisbane. About 25,000 people came to see them and get autographs. They even performed a few sections from the forthcoming album.

"Thank you for your support, the album will be out at midnight tonight. Enjoy it!" Darren said as he led Rose away to the limo so that they could go home. Rose was really tired but it was a good kind of tired. Her doctors in the USA told Rose and Australia to rest and stay off her feet because of her blood pressure but otherwise were the picture of health.

A popular entertainment magazine ran an article about them: "Darren and Rose Hayes are the toast of the music world this week. The album The Love We Share debuted at #1 on the Billboard Charts this week with nearly a million copies sold worldwide. On top of all this, Rose is excepting the couple’s first child this coming spring. That event inspired Darren’s number #1 song "A Child’s Heart". That song is the only one on the album that Rose does not duet with her husband, the lead singer of Savage Garden. Darren said ‘I have always wanted children, and now that it is actually going to happen, it has inspired me more than I know.’ When Rose was asked which single would be released next, she stated that the title track is scheduled for release in the late fall. The album is a must-have for anyone who loves great romantic music to dance either slow or fast. Record stores are rushing to keep up with the demand. Darren and Rose have stated that there will be no tour in support of the album until after their child is born. For now, the fans are happy to have more music now and can’t wait to hear when the couple’s child is born."

They learned that their album called "The Love We Share" debuted at #1 in the 1st week, and the subsequent release of "A Child’s Heart", the 1st single stayed at #1 for 4 weeks. The critics and fans loved the album but due to Rose’s pregnancy, there would be no tour until after the child was born.


What would happen now? Would the album remain popular? Would they have a boy or girl, and also what would they name the child? Would they return to release their own albums to success? Would they become the next Faith Hill and Tim McGraw of the music world? Only God knew what would happen next for them….

After all, tomorrow is another day!