Me, My Pets, and My Website

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Who else would create this website but someone who has pets?! Well, that's me! My name is Kallie, and I have 4 pets. They are (in order of age) Kandy the 7 year old Boston Terrier, Sunny the 3 year old mutt cat, Ami the 1 year old mutt cat, and Sam the some age goldfish.

This website was created as a high school freshman computer class project. I am going to be graded on it, and so if you could sign my guestbook and say how great it is I'd really appreciate it! ;-)

To see me with my pets, move your mouse pointer over the video box! (This may take a minute to load) Sorry it's sideways, we made a mistake while filming. Just turn your head the same way you did when you looked at the smiley face and you'll be able to watch the video okay! (It's only about 10 seconds long)

Thanks for visiting, and have fun checking out my website!
© 2000 Kallie Gay