Pet Quiz Answers

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Now all you have to do is reread the questions, choose the answer that you picked before, and read the pet analysis beside it.

1. How much time do you spend (or plan on spending) outdoors?
If you said 1-3 hours a day or who goes inside? Then you have the right potential for any size of dog as a companion
If you said none, very little, some, but not much, or a little bit Then you should not consider a dog. Try a more indoor-oriented pet, like a cat, bird, or ferret.

2. Are you a night person?
If you said yes Then I'd suggest that you avoid a bird. They tend to be early risers, and try to get everyone else up, too.
If you said no Most pets are not nocturnal and will adjust to your lifestyle.

3. Are you afraid of mice?
If you said yes Then you should do a retake about getting a cat or snake. Cats like to bring home "presents" of mice that they have caught and snakes eat mice.
If you said no Then you have your choice of the pet lineup, cats, snakes, you could even get a mouse itself as a pet!

4. Are you allergic to dust?
If you said yes Avoid birds. They tend to be dust collectors and scatterers.
If you said no Then you are ahead in the pet game. Even the most cleanly animals pick up dust sometimes.

5. Are your neighbors noise tolerant?
If you said yes Then you are lucky. You can have any type of vocal pet you want, including birds, which are right up there with the loudest.
If you said no Look for a quieter pet, like fish, rodents, and reptiles.

6. Do you have small children in your home?
If you said yes Then be sure to supervise your kids when they are wandering around the house near the pet or vice versa.
If you said no Your pet will make you feel like you do!

7. Do you travel a lot?
If you said yes Be sure you are prepared to provide a responsible caretaker for your pet while you are away.

8. Do you work at home?
If you said yes Then you need a compatable, pattable pet. You also want a pet that can adapt to your work schedule and not intrude. Remember that pets like routine.
If you said no Make sure that your work hours don't interfere with training, excercise, or play time if you want a dog. Cats, fish, and other, more laid back pets are more forgiving of erratic work hours.

9. Do you have a cat?
If you said yes The best pet to bring to your home would be another cat. Other, smaller animals may seem like prey or playtoys to the existing cat, and usually cats can hold their own around puppies.

10. Do you have expensive carpet in your home?
If you said yes Be prepared for accidents.

11. Where do you plan to keep your pet?
Wherever you decide to keep your pet You should always be sure that it recieves very good care and that it's living space is properly maintained. Outside pets also have to be guarded against the weather, so allow for temperature changes and other outdoor factors.