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Picture page last updated on January 26, 2005

This is the most current picture of me taken on January 7, 2005.

Most recent picture of Michelle (Ellie) taken at Jose's house in January. Don't ya just love the emo glasses on this girl?!?!?!? LMAO!

HAHAHA! Me in the emo glasses with my new short hair as of January 20, 2005.... I think the glasses look better on Ellie!

Ellie and Tiffany at Denny's on December 4, 2004.

Michelle (left) and I (right) in front of the spinning Universal Studios sign on October 29, 2004.

Me posing with Babe the pig at Universal Studios on October 29, 2004. Isn't it cute?

Victor and I in posing with characters from Van Helsing at Universal Studios on October 29, 2004.

Victor wearing a cool hat inside a store at Universal Studios on October 29, 2004.

Victor and Michelle. WOW!!! They look SO happy! :)

INTRODUCING TUMMBLES!!!! YAY!!! This is my bud Michelle, she is kewl but can be a spaz! (lol, no offense!)

This is my FAVORITE ex-boyfriend, Jose. He's an awesome guy and I'm happy that we have remained friends for as long as we have!

JODY, JODY WALL!!! Doesn't he have a great bod?

Remeber Saved By The Bell???? Here is Jose with his favortie SBTB character, Jessie.

Jody supporting his favorite drink, Corona!
