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        Rollerball 2001

Chris Klein, Jean Reno and LL Cool J on the set

          Chris Klein , Jean Reno , LL Cool J , Rebecca 

John McTiernan-Director , William Harrison-Screenplay , Larry Ferguson-Screenplay and John Pogue-Screenplay , Michael Tadross-Executive Producer , Charles Roven-Producer , Beau St. Clair-Producer , John McTiernan-Producer

Rollerball  2001 

John McTiernan’s ROLLERBALL takes place in the not too distant future, and the future is fierce. A notorious renegade sport, ROLLERBALL packs arenas all over the world. A global viewership bets and roots for star players Jonathan Cross (Chris Klein), Marcus Ridley (LL Cool J) and their beautiful teammate Aurora (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) who skate and motorcycle past opponents to score. Despite the danger of the game, the real threat lies in team owner Petrovich (Jean Reno) who sacrifices anything and anyone to maximize ratings, which are worth more to him than the final score. In a heroic move, Jonathan and his teammates attempt to expose the corruption and treachery. It is a risky play and the penalty is lethal.


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This information is unconfirmed and should be taken as such. LL Cool J Online is not the official site for this film. All editorial views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the LL Cool J Online  editors. All original content is the property of LLCool J Online. 


Rollerball Teaser Trailer Time
Dominated by one, controlled by a few, watched by all...

Rollerball's Got the Look
Premiere Mag and French Premiere offer new images, plus McTiernan and Klein comment on the production.

Rollerball: Brutal, Ruthless and Online
Official site goes live, plus some comments from star Jean Reno and composer BT.

Still Rolling
Additional Rollerball photography, plus a new picture and a word from Slipknot.

Rollerball's Modified Motorcycles
Pics of a couple bikes that'll take to the figure eight, and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos discusses being cast as Aurora.

Rollerball's Best: The Marauders, the Hawks, the Golden Horde and the Horsemen
Brief look at the game's top teams, plus the teaser poster is released.

Rollerball Stars Meet the Press
McTiernan's droogs ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.

LL Cool J & BT Rap and Rave About Rollerball
Motorcycles and electronic music.

Rebecca Romijn-Stamos Joins the Cast of Rollerball
X-Men's Mystique signs on for McTiernan's Rollerball remake

The Official Website  Trailer 
Visit the official Rollerball website. Play Rollerball online!

August 2001

Production Company:
Atlas Entertainment

Distribution Company:

The LL Cool J Online crew scored the first image (above) of Mrs. Romijn-Stamos as Aurora. 

And in other Rollerball happenings, Jean Reno (Horsemen's owner Alexi Petrovich) had a few things to say about the film and director John McTiernan to Empire Online. He says, "Rollerball was great. John McTiernan's a fantastic director and I was very happy to have the chance to work with him."

Comparing the new version to Norman Jewison's original Reno adds, "Our version mainly differs from the original in rhythm. That, and point of view. It doesn't have the same violence as the original and there's more of a connection between the game itself and the people. That's really the centre of the movie – the meaning of the game to the people watching it."



Rollerball: Brutal, Ruthless and Online

Official site goes live, plus some comments from star Jean Reno and composer BT.

To us this is kind of amusing because, we waited and waited and waited for Rollerball's official site to go live. We checked in like three or four times a day as the word was it was going to go live at any time.  It's live, finally. And that's all that matters.

In checking out the content, we noticed there's two new teams that weren't listed on the previous teaser page: the Scimitars and the Saracens. Well, they're new to us. It's been about 10 years since we've seen the original Rollerball (This will shortly be remedied with a DVD release)  Although we've had the opportunity to read the script, we guess we are inclined to stay in the dark about the key plot points. 

The official site's League Info offers the rules and history of Rollerball. Apparently there's only two main rules to this blood sport: 1) A team must capture and carry the rollerball over their pod and through the player tube, and 2) They must then make one lap around the rink to score. The origin of the game is pretty much summed up in paragraph 2: 

"The game of Rollerball has its roots laid in both Polo and early in-line skating trends. While the rules of the game mostly adhere to the foundational elements of Polo, the high performance skill levels are an advanced degree beyond traditional roller hockey. In past years, most adults used their skates for exercise much like the earlier model 2 wheel x 2 wheel roller skates while many teenagers were using their skates to play street roller hockey games. Many of these amateurs were recruited into organized youth leagues. This trend spawned a more dangerous and semi-underground extreme sports franchise that used independent magazine publications and computer websites as a central vehicle for enthusiasts to convene around."

The leagues' key teams are the Istanbul Hawks and the Golden Horde, but now there's a new team to keep an eye on, the Horsemen. (Actually, any team that features Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (Aurora) is a good team to keep and eye on.) Strangely, the bios for two of the Horsemen's star players Jonathan Cross (Chris Klein) and Marcus Ridley (LL Cool J) aren't listed on in the All Stars section. They should be, but the 'down arrow' wasn't connecting for us. If you check the Horsemen in the Team info section you can get their bios.

Also featured is a download section offering desktop images of the Golden Horde, the Hawks, Jonathan Cross and Marcus Ridey. Plus the site will soon offer an arena section. Here online players will be able to register to play an online version of Rollerball.

And according to Dark Horizons, film score composer BT sent out an e-mail to his fans recently, talking about his various projects in development. BT mentioned that he "just finished shooting Rollerball in Montreal where Richard Forteus (from my live band) and I, played live with 4 other fantastic musicians while motorcycles and bladers were jumping 40 ft in the air at 70 mph.....CRAZY stuff and the tracks are sounding dope too (2 of em')."


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