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Welcome to Jamie's Backstreet Boys Page! It is a fan site, so feel free to browse as long as you'd like. If you'd like please sign my guestbook! It is on the bottom of the page. I'm still working on the site, so it's not much right now but it's coming together! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at Thanks!


Right now I am listening to the new cd, for the first time since I bought it earlier. I am loving it! It's a little different without Kevin, but the guys sound really good. I like the inside cover, and I have no idea why Brian is holding a dog.. that's bugging me LOL... Okay well that is it for right now, until next time!
- Jamie November 8, 2007 @ 10:53pm

So the guys are coming out with a new cd called Unbreakable. Their first single Inconsolable sounds really good and I love the video. The cd comes out October 30th and can't wait! It sounds weird without my Kevin singing but the guys sound really good. I'm glad they are coming out with a new cd. I missed them since Never Gone. That is the latest update I have for the moment. I'll be back soon!
- Jamie October 14, 2007 @ 12:26 am

Just a little eye candy... :)

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