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In Port Douglas we Stayed at the Radisson Treetops Resort. We just loved it there. Weren't the rooms cozy looking?

The entire resort was designed to make you feel you were living in the rainforest. This was how Tarzan's Jane must have lived...

Couldn't you imagine her bathing in the lagoon waterfall as I did?

This cockatoo ran the front desk. So he thought, anyway. He was such a character!

He must be getting the pen ready for us to sign in.

At dinner I think I ordered the Kangaroo (in some kind of dark sweet sauce) all 3 nights, it was so delicious! It's very much like nice tender steak pieces, but I'm told it's very low in cholesterol.

Our first surprise was that we had barely missed a typhoon, and many tours were down due to flooding and debris. We took a lesser tour of the Daintree River than we had planned. It was a nice boatride, but there was but one baby croc to be seen due to the storm.

Part of our tour included a hike throught the rainforest. This was our view as we crossed a small creek. I could get used to this.

Here's another angle. Love the long vines snaking down from the trees.

Amy climbs onto a rock formation near a watering hole where we would later swim.

Here I am at the watering hole. It's just a widened and calm part of the small river though this rainforest. There are rapids not far away.

This rope bridge crossed a rockier area of the river not far from where we swam.

Again, due to the recent storm, much of the wildlife was in hiding. We had to visit nature parks to catch a glimpse of the Kookaburra.

Here's a pair!

Here's the crocs we had missed....

The koalas were hard to see in the trees.

Look at the color of this parrot!

feeding the Kangaroos was the neatest experience!

This big male has very long rodent like lower teeth which he uses to scoop the pellets from our hands. Disconcerting at first.

But this small boy was managing just fine....

They grasp your hand with raccoon like paws.

I was able to coax a joey out to eat as well!

Come see our day at the Great Barrier Reef!