The Journey of Life




"Lizzy? It's late, what's up?"

"It's time."

Kimberly's brown eyes opened wide, sitting up immediately. She was trained to handle this being a nurse, but it was a different story when the woman in labor was her best friend. Kim knew it was only a matter of days until her due date, but unfortunately, it didn't look like she'd make it. "Ok, I'll be right there."

"No, I already called the hospital and got a cab, I'm on my way there right now."

"Ok, we'll meet ya there, bye." She clicked the phone down, looking over at the clock. It wasn't even three yet. She pushed her light brown bangs out of her face, nudging the sleeping man next to her. "JC. Josh get up."

He stirred in his sleep, mumbling jumbled words until he finally awoke. He noticed the slightly panicked expression on her face and sat up. "W--what's wrong?"

"It's Liz, she's gone into labor."

His blue eyes were now wide open as well. "Are you kidding? It's too soon."

Kim shook her head, getting out of bed. "It can dwindle a few days, but the problem is that Chris isn't here yet." She stopped to tie her hair back and grab a fresh pair of clothes. "We have to get there and make sure she's ok."

JC sat befuddled for a few seconds before getting out of bed and getting dressed. Everything seemed to whirl around in his head hazily, and it wasn't like he wasn't used to being woken up early, but he'd give anything for a cup of coffee at that moment. Unfortunately, there was no time to dawdle.

"Did she tell you how far apart the contractions were?"

Kimberly stopped mid-dress and looked at him. "Shit, I forgot to ask. It can't be too far along because I told her to call me the minute she was sure it was a contraction." She grabbed her pager off the side table. "The hospital already knows she's on the way, and I'm off duty so I shouldn't be paged tonight, but I'll take it just in case."

"Do we know where Chris is yet?"

She shook her head. "I barely talked to her Josh, I don't know anything yet. We'll have to go and find out."

With that said, they both hurried to get dressed and grab the car keys on their way out of the house. It was still dark outside seeing as how it was early in the morning, but the sky was still full of bright shining stars in the perfect Orlando sky. Kim drove them both frantically to the hospital where they ran to the front desk. Kim waved to the working nurse, whom she apparently knew.

"Hey Carol, my friend Liz Anderson just went into labor, she should be here by now. Did she check in yet?" she asked. The woman nodded.

"Yes she's in room 309, south wing. She just got here, but she's waiting for you. Good luck Kim."

"Thanks a lot Carol."

They rushed down a series of hallways until they found the one they were looking for. Kim motioned to JC to stay outside until she'd checked on Liz When she walked into the room, she found an extremely pregnant Liz being hooked up to a monitor. Her light brown curly hair hung loosely around her face and her blue eyes lit up when she saw her best friend.

"Oh thank God you're here. The contractions are starting to get a little edgy."

Kim walked over to her, taking her hand gently. "It comes with the territory. Have you talked to Chris yet?"

She nodded uneasily. "He's on his way in from Miami from the FuMan convention down there, but he's driving so it could be awhile. A few hours I guess."

Kim smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, he'll be here. These things can take awhile, and you're still in the early stages. I wouldn't be surprised if he's here way before show time. He wouldn't miss this for the world."

Liz smiled, making Kim feel slightly better. She could manage herself to be there for Liz because she did this sort of thing almost every day, but she knew it would be hard watching her best friend go through such a wonderful experience without the man she loved by her side. From the minute Liz had found out about her pregnancy, she only worried about one thing, and that was making sure Chris would be around to see his baby being born. It was hard to plan around considering they didn't see each other half the year with NSYNC being on the road, but he had everything pushed back around the week of delivery, and this trip to Miami was his last stop. Unfortunately, the baby was ready to make it's appearance, with or without daddy there.

"Does anyone else know yet?"

Liz shook her head. "I didn't call the guys yet if that's what you mean, just you and my mom and Chris and his mom. It's not like they can really do anything here anyway, I didn't want to get them too wound up this early in the morning if junior here isn't gonna show up for another few hours."

Kim laughed. "Junior? You named the kid Junior?"

Liz sighed. "It's Chris's nickname for it when he's on the road. He always tells me to take care of Junior for him."

"That's a very scary thought. Thinking of Chris as a daddy is scary enough, but a miniature him? I don't know if I want to be around to witness this!"

Suddenly the light fell from Liz's eyes as she thought about what might happen. "Kim, he will make it won't he? I want him to be here with me."

It was hard to lie to her best friend when she knew the odds, but Kim kept her hopes up anyway. "I'm sure it'll be fine honey, and like I said, he'll be here way before the baby . . . Junior is born. In fact, I think I'm gonna go call the rest of the guys now anyway, it's almost time for them to get up. Maybe they can help us keep in touch with Chris so we know when he's getting close. Do you want to have Josh keep you company while I'm gone?"

Liz nodded, her face clinched up as she felt a contraction coming on. "Yes that'd be nice, but could you help me through this one first please?"

Kim held her hand tighter as she bore down, doing her breathing exercises to ease some of the pain. It wasn't a huge contraction, but it definitely had its edge.

"You're doing great, just breathe . . . there's it's over."

Liz took in a deep breath, smiling. "Thanks, I owe you one. You can send Josh in now."

She walked back to the door to find an anxious JC sitting just outside in the hallway. He looked like he was the expectant father himself.

"Hey, you ok?"

JC looked up momentarily. "Yeah, I just don't handle this stuff well. The needles, all the pain . . . I'd pass out if I were her."

Kim smiled at her loving boyfriend, kissing his head. "Women go through this every day, we're used to pain, although she would like some company while I go inform everyone else of the event. Can you handle it?"

JC stood up, taking a deep breath. "Let's hope so."

"Just remember," Kim started, "She's going through all the pain, not you."

JC shook his head. "Kim, that won't help, I'm a sympathetic person. I'll probably be screaming right along with her."

She laughed. "Ok, whatever it takes. I'll be right back."

JC slowly but surely made his way into the room of torture where he found Liz sitting comfortably on a bed hooked up to every machine imaginable. It almost frightened him to look at her, but for the moment, she looked peaceful. She looked even better when she recognized him coming towards her.

"Hey Josh. Guess this is it huh?" she said rubbing her huge stomach lightly.

JC nodded, having a seat next to her bed. "I guess so. You nervous?"

"I don't think as much as you are." She laughed.

JC laughed too, realizing how corny of him it was to be worried about the machines. They were making sure she and the baby were ok, so they couldn't possibly be that bad.

"Does it hurt a lot?" he somehow found himself asking once he'd relaxed a little.

Liz's head flew back in laughter. "NOOO! Not one bit. In fact, I hope to go through this at LEAST ten more times."

"Ok, let's not go overboard, one of Chris's offspring is enough."

She smiled. "I'm kidding. I can't really believe this myself. It seems like yesterday we were planning our engagement, then the wedding, and here I am ready to give birth to another human being. Pretty weird huh?"

JC laughed. "I wouldn't call it weird. You always said you wanted a family right away, and it's not like Chris isn't old enough to be a father. Mentally . . . ok Chris isn't mentally ready to be a father, but the kid will have a great play mate."

Liz found herself laughing at the thought until she thought her sides would burst. "I love Chris with all my heart, but you may be right about that. He is a big kid. In fact, he had more fun planning the baby's room and picking out toys than he did at our own wedding. I love that he still has that inner child to him, most adults lose it."

"Lose what?" Kim asked walking back into the room with a cup of coffee in tow. The two smiled at her.

"Your brain dear, Lizzy said she thinks you left it at her place." JC said pulling her down in his lap and taking the cup from her. She slapped his arm playfully.

"Hey now, be nice. The woman's in enough pain, hearing bad jokes isn't going to help."

JC apologized. "I'm sorry Liz, I guess Kim here can't take a joke, and it really wasn't that bad was it?"

Liz shrugged. "I didn't think so, no."

Kim rolled her eyes. "Any contractions since I left?"

JC smiled. "No, she spared me the hassle thank God."

Liz laughed until she felt something coming, her eyes widening in shock. "Uh oh guys, don't speak so soon."

"What is it a contraction?" Kim questioned coming over to her. She shook her head.

"No, my water just broke."

Things were running rather quickly after Liz's water broke. She was having more contractions regularly and Kim was running back and forth like a maniac making sure things were going alright. She was trying desperately to juggle three things at once and it wasn't helping to know that Liz refused to do anything unless Chris was there. JC wasn't helping much either, wincing in pain the minute she got a contraction. He was a wonderful man and a great husband, but he definitely wouldn't be coaching her during her attempt at this.

"Ok that's it Lizzy . . . you're doing great, just a little bit longer . . . ok it's coming down . . . almost over . . . there. Wonderful, are you alright?" Kim asked after one of first rather difficult contractions. Liz was sweating and getting tired, but she was holding up.

"Yeah I'm ok. I just want this to be over with."

Kim sighed, pushing her hair out of her face. "Yeah so do I."

"Hey, is the coast clear?" a voice came from the doorway as they looked up to see the three missing members of the band. Justin, Lance, and Joey all came in, smiling happily.

"Hey guys, good to see you." Kim said walking up to them each. "You're just in time for the grand finale."

Justin walked up to Liz, who was trying to control her breath during contractions. He was holding a camera in one hand and approached her like a scared child.

"Don't think I'm trying to be a pervert in any way here, but when we realized that Chris might be a little" he looked to the others for the right word. "Busy? Anyway, I thought maybe you'd like me to tape the birth so you can look back and reminisce in case he misses something."

Liz looked up at him, her blue eyes tearing over in gratitude. "Thank you Justin, I would love that. Are you sure you're up to seeing . . . well . . . everything?"

Justin laughed, nodding. "No problem, when Lisa had my brothers I was in the room the whole time. I'm used to this kind of stuff, it doesn't bother me a bit."

"Yeah well the minute I see anything coming out of anybody, I'm out of here." JC said trying to control his own breathing from the corner of the room.

"How is she holding up?" Joey asked quietly as he and Lance waited by for information from Kim.

She sighed. "Liz's doing ok, but we need to get Chris here as fast as humanly possible. Do either of you have his cell phone number on hand? Maybe we can get a hold of him and find out what's going on."

Joey nodded. "He gave it to me in case of an emergency. I'll go call him now."

Kim nodded, turning back to Lance after Joey had left. "Lance, you're my MAN. I need your help here ok?"

Lance nodded. "What can I do?"

She took him to the corner of the room and pointed to JC, who was wiping sweat off his face. He basically looked like he was in labor too.

"He's not holding up so well in here, and I don't want him to freak out and scare Liz. Can you please take him down to the food court or somewhere, ANYWHERE away from here until he cools down? It would be doing me a huge favor, cause I need to stay here and be Liz's coach in case Chris is late."

Lance smiled. "Sure, I can do that. He looks pretty bad, are you sure he's not in labor too?"

Kim smiled. "I wish, it'd make my life a lot easier. Just get him out of here, walk around, maybe he'll feel better."

Lance nodded once more, going over to JC and helping him out to the hallway. Kim breathed in a sigh of relief knowing he'd be comforted, but she still had a lot of other stuff to worry about. Both Chris's mom and Liz's parents were waiting patiently by the phone for something to happen, and there was still awhile to go before there'd be any real action. If Chris could just get there faster and Liz could hold out a little longer, everything would be ok . . . or so she hoped.

"Kim, you'd better get over here now!" Liz's voice shot out through her thoughts. She walked over to see the doctor checking her progress, and was surprised when she saw a look of worry on her face.

"Kim, can I talk to you out in the hallway for a second?"

She nodded, looking back to see Liz was starting to panic. She'd have to make it quick so she could get back to her.

"Yes Dr. Moyer, what is it?"

Dr. Moyer sighed heavily. "The baby's heart beat is irregular, which worries me because up until now she's had a clean bill of health. Liz is rather large for her rank, and I'm wondering if maybe there's something else we don't know."

Kim wasn't quite understanding what she was trying to say. "Come on Abby, in real language here. I'm your friend, and she's my best friend. Tell me what's going on."

Dr. Moyer rubbed her hand across her forehead. "I'm afraid the baby might not make it. I didn't catch onto this early enough to stop it, but if there is an abnormality and it's serious, the baby could be born with massive defects and possibly . . . not live more than a few days."

Kim felt her heart break into a thousand pieces with her words. The baby hadn't been planned, but Liz loved it with all her heart, and it would absolutely crush her to know that her baby might die, along with the knowledge that her husband couldn't be there for her.

"Oh my God, have you told her?"

Dr. Moyer shook her head. "I figured you'd like to talk to her first, seeing as how you've handled this type of thing before." She stopped to check her watch. "It's six now, if she's not fully dilated in a few hours, I'm going to enduce her and we'll go from there. I'm sorry this is happening."

Kim nodded, heading back to the room. Justin was still by Liz's side, holding her hand, but he knew the minute Kim came in, something was wrong. "What's up?"

Kim did her best to smile. "Justin, can you go check on Joey and see if he's making any progress getting a hold of Chris yet?"

Justin nodded, giving her a 'tell me everything later' look as he headed out the door. Kim came over to sit by her best friend, who was looking extremely scared because no one was giving her answers.

"Kim . . . what's wrong? Is the baby going to be ok? Tell me it's ok, please." Her voice cracked.

Kim took her hand, thinking desperately of what to say. "Honey um . . . God I can't do this."

Liz watched her friend closely, her shaking hands and sad expression did nothing to ease her fears. "Kimmy . . . please . . . tell me."

Kim looked at her best friend of twenty years and felt tears slip down her cheeks. She wanted so desperately to be there for her in her time of need, but she didn't know how long she could hold it together.

"Lizzy . . . I don't want to upset you in this state."

"Tell me." her voice cracked.

Kim took a deep breath before starting. "Liz . . . the baby has an irregular heart beat."

Liz shook her head. "What does that mean?"

"It means that there might be a heart defect, in which case, they can fix it usually. They didn't catch it right away and the doctor's worried that the baby might be born with defects, or that it won't be able to function right if it's heart hasn't developed correctly."

Liz's blue eyes flooded over as tears poured down her cheeks. She couldn't imagine going through this for nine months with perfect health records and now she was on the verge of losing her baby. It was too much to take, even for her.

"Are you saying that my baby . . . it might not live?"

Kim nodded uneasily, watching her best friend break into sobs. She felt like Satan for having to tell her best friend such news, but it was inevitable. Kim knew the doctors would do everything they could, but even with all their technology, there was little to be done when it was in the hands of God.

"Liz, listen to me. There's still a good chance that the baby will be ok and even if there is an abnormality, they might be able to fix it. Look at Brian Littrell."

Liz sniffled quickly before throwing her a look. "What does some Backstreet Boy have to do with my baby?!"

Kim stifled a laugh but covered it. "He was born with a defective heart and now he's fine. Things happen, and this baby could come out of this no problems. The doctor only told me because she's seen this before and didn't want to leave us in the dark in case something does happen." She stopped to take her hand. "Liz, you've had great bill of health until now, you didn't drink or smoke when you were pregnant, I don't know why this would happen. I sense down in my gut that there's more to this. Somehow . . . there has to be something else we're not seeing."

Liz nodded, trying desperately to keep it together and believe her best friend. "It's true, but I don't buy this. It's not fair. Why me?"

Kim felt her heart break all over again with the look of hopelessness in her eyes. Liz was a wonderful person, and a wonderful friend, and so full of life. This shouldn't happen to her. It shouldn't happen to anyone, ever.

"I can't answer that sweetie, but just know that I'm gonna be here with you through all of it, I won't leave your side until the end or until Chris gets here. If you want me to stay outside while he coaches, I understand."

Liz shook her head. "No, I want you both there with me. I need the support in case Chris goes nuts on me too."

The two women found themselves laughing through tears. It was their weakest moment, but they were ready for it and they would fight back until the end. If they could stick together and hold strong, there was nothing that could tear them down.

After she promised Liz she'd only be gone a minute and had a nurse to watch her, Kim made her way to the hallway to tell the four men of the news. It was probably the second hardest thing she'd ever do because they all looked so eager and happy, she could barely make her voice audible.

"Guys, you might want to sit down." She said, making their faces drop instantly.

"Come on Kim, what's going on?" Justin asked, camera in tow.

Kim found herself sitting as well, feeling that her knees might give out otherwise. "It's not good."

"No cause otherwise you'd be smiling right now." Joey said sarcastically. Lance smacked his arm because it was obviously no time to be making jokes.

JC sat down next to her, placing his hand on her knee. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

Kim felt the tears falling down her face again. "The baby's heart might be defective."

There was a long pause of silence after her words were spoken, but she continued to cry until Joey could regain his thoughts. "Wait, Kim, what do you mean might be?"

Kim continued to sob until she had her head against his shoulder, his arm coming around to rub her back gently. "Talk to me baby. What happened?"

Her sobs subsided as she wiped her eyes and looked up at the four concerned men. "The baby has an irregular heartbeat, which means something could be wrong. It could be born dead or die soon after, and even if it does survive, there could be massive damage."

Lance shook his head. "Wait, can't they just fix it when the baby's born?"

"No, it's too risky right after birth. Usually, they can go in a few months before the birth and perform a surgery that will fix the baby's heart and give it time to heal so all it's organs can fully develop first. Because they caught this at the last minute, the baby's heart might not have developed completely and could give out at any time."

With that said, the panic took over. No one knew what to do, and time was ticking away. Liz was already seven centimeters and going. Until they delivered that baby and knew exactly what was happening, there was no way to know. They all felt helpless, but JC knew that Kim was beating herself up about it. She'd always wanted to help people, even when she was a child. The career choice she'd made was only natural, but this wasn't any patient. This was her best friend, the one person beside himself that she cared for more than anyone in the world. Watching her being eaten away was also tearing him apart.

"Is Lizzy ok?" Justin asked, sniffling himself. They were all upset.

Kim stood up, wiping the tears and straightening her clothes. "Yes, she knows. I told her I'd only be out here a moment to tell you guys, she's probably worried. I need to get back in there."

"Wait, what can we do?" Lance asked out of concern.

Kim thought quickly before looking up with teary eyes. "Call Chris. Prepare him for anything. Liz really needs him here for this so tell him to get here by any means possible. I'll update you as soon as I know more."

She started to walk into the room when JC pulled her back, into his arms. He kissed her lightly. "I love you, remember that."

She nodded, touching his face once more before walking into the room, closing the door behind her. The guys stood by, unable to speak. Of all the things they could control, this wasn't one of them. It was out of everyone's hand, including the doctors. All they could do was sit by and wait for a miracle.

An hour went by and there was still no sign of Chris. He had called to say he wasn't far away, but it was at least half an hour before. He needed to get there, and he needed to get there fast.

Liz was progressing as usual, and was finally ready to start pushing. Of course she was holding off for as long as humanly possible, but there was no denying it now because the baby was crowning. Justin was standing by with the camera, ready for action, and Kim was coaching her through it like a pro, but on the inside, she was falling apart, and it only got worse the closer to the end they got.

"And push Lizzy, come on! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-"

"Kim get it OOOOUT!!!!!" Liz screamed when a contraction hit her full force. She was still in tears, her curly hair was flying in all direction and her face was redder than a brick. She wasn't in the best of spirits either.

Justin stood by, right in back of the doctor taping everything. He'd contemplated even taping the birth after the horrible news, but he knew that Chris would feel ten times worse if he missed the birth and never got a chance to see his baby alive. It was a hard decision, but he stuck by it with support from everyone else.

"Liz, just breathe, you have to breathe."

"I can't, it hurts!" she sobbed trying to do her lamaze breathing. "I need meds, NOW!"

"It's too late for that now Liz, you need to bear down and push for me." Dr. Moyer said from below. Liz looked up at Justin, who waved back at her.

"Kim, get him out of here. I changed my mind I don't want to tape this." She said tearfully.

Kim knew she was tired and upset, but Justin was starting to look hurt. He just wanted to help, and he was doing the best with what he had.

"Liz, you'll thank him later. He's not hurting anyone by being here."

"I'm going to stand up in these stirrups and STRANGLE someone soon, I don't think you want that on CAMERA!!" she yelled loudly.

Justin backed up, but Kim threw him a look. "Liz, calm down. You need to breathe ok? Just breathe."

"I can breathe until I'm blue in the face but it's not going to do anything to save my baby!" she sobbed, covering her face with her free arm. It was becoming too much.

"Listen to me Lizzy," Kim started. "You are doing fantastic. Just one more push and Junior will be here. Come on, you're so close."

Liz shook her head violently. "I'm gonna DIE soon Kim!! This kid is gonna KILL ME!!"

Dr. Moyer lifted her head to see what was going on. It was desperation time and no one knew what to do. She looked to Kim, who was about to lose it herself.

"Ok, I want everybody to listen to me. Liz, you need to push. You're almost there and the sooner we get the baby out, the sooner we can see what's wrong. Kim, you keep her calm and together long enough to get this baby out. And YOU--" she turned around to Justin. "Be quiet and keep taping!"

With that said, everyone did their part, including Liz, who was now ready to push.

"Ok Lizzy here we go. Bear down and push! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10."

"AAAHHH!!! I'M BEING TORN IN TWO!!" Liz screamed out in between pushes.

Kim held her hair back out of her eyes. "Come on Liz, just one more."

"I can't!"

"YES YOU CAN! You can do this Lizzy I know you can!"

Liz took one last look at her friend. "One more?"

Kim nodded. "One more and you can meet your baby."

Liz bore down and started to push. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5--"

"STOP! He's here." Dr. Moyer said pulling the baby out into his arms. It let out an ear-piercing wail that made everyone in the room cheer out.

"It's a boy." She said clipping the umbilical cord, holding up the pink, screaming child.

Liz threw her head back, crying out loud. "It's my baby. Kim, it's my baby."

Kim kissed her head, crying herself. "I know sweetie. Look at how beautiful he is."

Justin put down the camera for a moment, his eyes tearful as well. "You did good Liz. He looks healthy. He's gonna make it."

Suddenly, the fear came rushing back. He may have looked healthy enough, but was he?

"Doctor, is he ok?" Liz asked suddenly fearful.

She inspected the baby carefully, checking all the vitals, including the heart. She eventually looked over, a look of bewilderment upon her face. "He's perfect."

A gasp escaped Kim's lips as she came over to inspect the baby. He was perfect, ten fingers, ten toes, and fully alive. The doctor handed her the stethoscope, putting the head piece on and listening carefully. His heartbeat was perfect.

"Oh my God, it's a miracle." She said, turning back to the others. "He's fine. No abnormal heartbeat, nothing. He's fine Lizzy."

Liz let out a small cry of joy as she broke down fully sobbing. It was a miracle, but something just didn't make sense in Kim's mind. There was no way the baby could have an abnormal heartbeat inside and not have it outside. There was still a missing piece to the puzzle.

"Can I hold him?" Liz asked suddenly.

Kim wrapped up the baby boy carefully lifting him up into her arms. His blue-gray eyes were wide open and staring up at her. It was the most precious sight she'd ever seen. Slowly, she carried the baby over to Liz, waiting with open arms to see her child. Justin came in closer to witness the scene as the baby was placed into it's mother's arms, a smile of joy upon her face.

"Hey my beautiful baby. I love you so much." She sniffled, her voice cracking again.

"DID I MISS IT?!" Chris asked as he came bounding through the door, stopping the minute he saw his wife holding their now silent child. It was a sight only a new father could appreciate.

"Oh my god is--is that it?" he asked coming over to them slowly. He looked up at Kim who nodded.

"Meet your son Chris." She said smiling.

He walked to the edge of the bed, his eyes going to his Liz, who finally noticed he was there. He kissed her lightly, both looking back down at their creation.

"He's so tiny." Chris said softly.

Liz laughed. "They usually are."

Kim remembered that she'd left everyone else waiting outside and ran to get them. They came in, standing by the door so they didn't disturb the new parents.

"It's a boy." She proclaimed softly, as everyone smiled.

Joey spoke up. "Is he--"

"Yeah he's fine." Kim said smiling brightly. "We can't figure it out, but he came out and he's perfect. I even heard the heart beat myself."

"That doesn't make any sense." Lance said puzzled. "How can they just make a mistake like that? We were scared half to death over nothing?"

Kim realized he was right, and something still didn't seem right. She didn't have time to dwell on it, because not a minute later, Liz gasped.

"Oh my . . . I think I'm bleeding . . . something's not right!" she said, the look of fear returning to her face.

The nurses took the baby away while the doctor inspected. "What the--oh my God. I can't believe I didn't see this before."

Kim came rushing back over, a look of panic returning. "What's wrong? Is she bleeding out?"

Dr. Moyer looked up at them, laughing. "You're not even close. None of you are going to believe this."

"TWINS?! How, when, where!!" Chris exclaimed hearing the news after he'd been brought over to the side of the room.

Kim laughed. "You forgot what and who."

"This can't be happening . . . this isn't happening." He said pacing the room. "I'm barely ready to handle ONE child, but TWO? AT ONCE?!"

Kim smiled, patting his shoulder. "Chris, this is a good thing. It explains a lot. We weren't hearing an abnormality, it was just two heartbeats. In fact, I'm relieved that's what it is." She stopped his pacing. "I can handle this if you can't."

Chris shook his head. "OH NO! I'm not missing my second child's birth! I'll handle it!"

She nodded, turning back to the others. "Sorry guys, but I think you're gonna miss out on this one too, and now that Chris is here, I'll be joining you in the hallway."

"Wait!" Liz said in between contractions. "I want Kim to stay, please."

"Are you sure honey?" Chris asked coming over to hold her hand.

She nodded, still breathing. "I need her here . . . in caseI try to kill you."

Everyone was ushered out of the room, and Justin was allowed to stay and tape the birth as long as he was ten feet out of distance and used a zoom lens.

Chris was on one side, Kim on the other, as they held her hands when the time came to push. "Ok Lizzy, go! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-"

"I'M GONNA DIE!! AGAIN!!" Liz yelled out.

"Keep pushing Lizzy, come on!" Kim urged.

Liz took a deep breath before pushing again. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-"

"Ok, that's good, you can stop."

They stopped and waited as Dr. Moyer made some movements and pulled out the baby. The room was nearly silent as they waited for something until they heard what they had been waiting for . . . the baby let out a loud cry.

"Lizzy, look! It's out other baby!" Chris cried, watching it all unfold. Liz put her head back, completely exhausted from her full day's work. It was now 10:00 a.m., and she was the mother of two beautiful healthy babies.

Kim noticed how beat she was and smiled down at her. "It's a girl by the way."

Liz smiled back. "Now I have my boy and my girl. I'm NEVER doing this again."

Kim laughed, relieved that things were back to normal and that Liz was looking more like her normal self. It had been the night from hell for sure, but it had ended on a wonderful note and now there was a brand new day ahead and Kim was ready for bed.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat." Justin said yawning and handed Chris the tape before patting him on the back and walking out of the room. Kim knew he went to tell the guys because there were shouts of laughter through the door.

"I think I'm with Curly on that one. You guys should have some time with the babies, but I'm gonna head for home." She stopped to give them both hugs and congratulate them.

"Hey wait," Liz stopped her. "Don't you want to know the names?"

Kim came back to the bedside quickly. "You picked them out already?"

Liz looked at Chris. "We already had a name ready for each, so we'd might as well stick to them, right?"

Chris nodded. "Yep."

He walked over to the other side of the room where the baby was being checked out by a nurse. She handed him the tiny infant, walking back over to the bed.<> "This big guy is Matthew James. We picked James after Lance since he's the one who initially hooked us up in the first place."

Liz smiled. "And this is Kelly Elizabeth, she's not named after anyone, I just liked the name."

Kim smiled, looking at the two miracles in front of her. "You two are going to be great parents, I can tell. And if there's any problems, you just call Aunt Kimmy up anytime, I'd be glad to help out."

"Actually," Liz interrupted, looking to Chris for permission. He nodded, knowing exactly what she was going to say. "We were kind of hoping you'd be their Godmother."

Kim gasped, realizing what they were asking her to do. It was a big responsibility having two Godchildren, but she was up for the challenge. "I'd love to."

Chris smiled, cuddling his son. "We wouldn't have it any other way."

Kim smiled, giving them each a hug and kiss goodbye, and kissing the babies' heads carefully before walking into the hallway. She sighed, seeing the man she loved with his friends looking more like themselves again. JC immediately walked to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"They're ok." He said softly into her shoulder.

Kim smiled, holding back tears. "I know, and they're perfect." She stopped to pull back. "I'm the babies' Godmother."

JC smiled, kissing her lightly. "Congratulations. I'm really proud of you, you handled this like a pro."

Kim nodded. "I'm instructed to."

He pulled her back for a hug. "I love you so much."

She laughed quickly. "I love you too, but if you think for a moment that I'm going do what Liz just did" she stopped to look up. "You're SADLY mistaken!"

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