These are the winners of the *ndffa3*

Best Romance

Winner: "Wishful Thinking" by Kait & Dian at Kait & AJ's NSYNC Fanfiction (127 votes)
Runner up: "Do You Remember?" by Raven at Uspoken Thoughts - *N Sync Fan Fiction (35 votes)

Best Drama

Winner: "If Every Word I Said" by Laura Nicole at 'nrapture... NSync FanFiction [hosted] (62 votes)
Runner up: "Death By Design" by Kait & AJ at Kait & AJ's NSYNC Fanfiction (47 votes)

Best Comedy

Winner: "Lucky Charm" by Rogue at Rogue's Reality (110 votes)
Runner up: "I Can't Live Without You" by Nicole at Boy Band Fan FIction (64 votes)

Most Realistic

Winner: "Twisted" by Kait & AJ at Kait & AJ's NSYNC Fanfiction (121 votes)
Runner up: "Lucky Charm" by Rogue at Rogue's Reality (37 votes)

Best Incomplete

Winner: "If Every Word I Said" by Laura Nicole at 'nrapture... NSync FanFiction [hosted] (86 votes)
Runner up: "She's All I Ever Had" by Mental & Raven at Unspoken Thoughts - *N Sync Fan Fiction (46 votes)

Best Overall

Winner: "Twisted" by Kait & AJ at Kait & AJ's NSYNC Fanfiction (79 votes)
Runner up: "Death By Design" by Kait & AJ at Kait & AJ's NSYNC Fanfiction (53 votes)

Best Overlooked Author

Winner: Daisy for "It's Gonna Be Me" at Daisy's Nsync Fanfiction (29 votes)
Runner up: CJ for "In Love & War" at CJ's *NSync Fiction Dream (25 votes)

Best Author

Winner: Kait & AJ for "Twisted" at Kait & AJ's NSYNC Fanfiction (125 votes)
Runner up: Raven & Mental for "She's All I Ever Had" at Unspoken Thoughts - *N Sync Fan Fiction (53 votes)

Most Memorable Character

Winner: Kate in "Death By Design" by Kait & AJ at Kait & AJ's NSYNC Fanfiction (97 votes)
Runner up: Anna in "She's All I Ever Had" by Raven & Mental at Unspoken Thoughts - *N Sync Fan Fiction (45 votes)

Best Line

Winner: “I’m fine Garret, it’s not like some over-rated, fro-headed, too tall and too big for his britches, ass hole is going to get to me” she smiled batting her lashes. [Chapter 1] - "Them There Eyes" by Mental at Unspoken Thoughts - *N Sync Fan Fiction (65)
Runner up: "You know Pubes, you better shut your mouth before I knee you so hard you're pissing out your crack!" [Chapter 6] - "I Want What You Have" by Bran at Berrylicious (45 votes)