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What I Want

Show me the meaning…of sex with Nick Carter. I will tell you the meaning…dull, boring and highly unsatisfactory. That’s it that’s all. I have known Nick since we were both 15, our story is almost like one of those fan-fics I read sometimes, we met fell in love and that's really all there is to it. As soon as I turned 18 I was with him non-stop. But like I was saying our sex life was something to be desired…if I could even call it a sex life. Nick was my first and only and I guess he was satisfied with our sex life…I couldn't stand it. That is why when AJ asked me for a "favor" I seriously considered. I remember it was during the boring part of the tour…about three months along and going to party's and clubs after the concerts was getting old....

Me and all the guys were lounging around in Brian's room, Nick had fallen asleep and everyone else was almost there…everyone beside AJ and I. After I finally gave up on trying to talk to Nick, AJ suggested we go find something to eat. I was hungry. After AJ woke his bodyguard up, we were off in search of McDonald's. When we sat down to eat, AJ made his bodyguard go sit at another table. AJ had become my closest companion during tours short of Nick. We sat there talking and goofing off. Out of nowhere AJ asked me "the question" he said "do you ever fool around on Nick" I was almost offended but I just decided to be honest, "No, but I am seriously considering" I said stuffing my mouth with a handful of french fries. He got a mischievous look in his eyes and asked me "why is that?" Since I was being so honest, I figured there was no reason to start lying now. I looked at him square in the eyes and said " because if I don't I may die without ever having an orgasm" after that I took a bite out of my big mac and closed my eyes. When I opened them I saw AJ's face looking like he was very deep in thought. I was beginning to think I shouldn't have said anything at all when AJ said "Well, anytime you are ready to have an orgasm come and see me" I thought I might have been hearing things, so I said "What do you mean". He reached under the table and floated his hand up my skirt and said, " I think you know what I mean". I was shocked and turned on at the same time. I was also a bit scared. I told him I would sleep on it. He told me to take my time and come back to him when I was ready. I almost had my mind made up and wanted him to take me right there on the table. I heard the late night screams coming from his rooms and I was positive he was going to deliver one or maybe even two orgasms I desperately needed. We walked back to the hotel with his bodyguard close behind…we talked like nothing happened in McDonald's. When we made it back to the hotel AJ dismissed his bodyguard and walked me to my hotel room. We stood outside my door kinda staring at each other. I really didn't know what to say. I guess he sensed that because he broke the silence. He looked at me and said "if you decide not to go through with this, don't worry about it, just think it through and let me know". I felt I needed to explain to him why I didn't go through with it that night. I said, "I just have to make sure I am ready". He slipped one arm around my waist and kissed me…I don't think I ever had such a feeling. He slipped a finger inside me and move it around slowly…just as I was about to beg him to fuck me right there he said, "I know your ready…I can feel it…you'll see…I can wait until you see it." And with that he walked down the hall to his room, leaving me there with probably the dumbest look on my face and so horny that I couldn't see straight.

I slipped my key card in the door to see Nick watching TV. "Where did you go?" he asked flipping off the television. "AJ and I went to eat," I said putting on my pajamas and crawling in next it him. He moved closer to me and began to rub my arm, a sign he wanted to have sex. I let him continue with his sorry attempt at foreplay biting and sucking on my nipples…too hard. I let out a noise that could have been mistaken as a moan; it was suppose to be a noise to let him know that hurt. He thought it was a moan and let his hand wander down to my cunt. He seemed all to pleased with himself when he discovered it was wet. I wanted to tell him I wasn't wet because of him, but decided against it. He finally stopped with his god-awful attempt to turn me on and put his dick inside me. One thing I couldn't complain about was Nick's size; he had a nice sized cock…only if he knew what to do with it. He pumped into me with his usual jackhammer like style and collapsed on top of me in almost four minutes. He pulled me in his arms and stroked my hair. I felt like crying because he was so content. He told me that we had two days off and that he was going to see his mother…he asked if I wanted to go but I told him no thank you. He understood his mother and me didn't get along too well. After that he fell asleep and that's when it dawned on me that that would be the perfect time to be with AJ. I still hadn't changed my mind about AJ; I desperately needed to have an orgasm. The next morning Nick packed up to head for Florida. Then he said something that made my plan work out even better than I thought it would he said " I want you to stay with AJ until I come back" I almost jumped for joy, but contained my excitement until he left. AJ and I were going to fly to Madrid and stay at a hotel until all the other guys caught up with us. I still couldn't believe I would have two whole days with AJ. I kissed Nick on the cheek as he left and had to stop myself from doing the happy dance when he shut the hotel door behind him. I packed all my stuff up and had the bellboy bring it to the limo that was going to take us to the airport. AJ knocked on my door and told me it was time to leave, I said farewell to Brian, Kevin and Howie who were going to spend the two days in New York.

AJ and I got into the limo and right off the bat he asked me if I made my decision yet. I told him that I was ready. He didn't say anything he slipped his hand up my skirt and kissed on my neck with his mouth licking and nipping his was down. He lifted my shirt and teased my nipples through my lacey bra. He pulled the bra up, without unfastening it and lapped at my swollen buds. I think I cried out and he looked at me and said "If that is the reaction I get from that, what would I get If I did this…" With that he trailed his mouth down my half clothed body and pulled my panties to the side. He snaked his tongue out and licked along my slit. I thought I was going to die from pleasure. AJ must have been pleased with my reaction because he began licking furiously at my clit. I was sure I would come any minute although I didn't really know what feeling I was expecting. Then I felt AJ's head pulling away…I almost slapped him. I opened my mouth to protest but he put a finger to my lips saying "wait until tonight" I can tell you I was less than pleased. When we got out of the limo to walk to the gate I could feel the wetness as I walked, I glanced over at AJ and noticed he had quite a bulge in his pants. Well at least I wasn't alone. We boarded the plane and took our seats. There isn't much you can do on a plane but sleep, so that is what we did.

I didn't wake up until I heard the pilot announce that we were landing. I was ecstatic and very anxious for what the night held. We made it to the hotel and once again AJ left me hanging in the limo which pissed me off beyond belief. He reserved two rooms even though I was sure we would only be spending time in one. I dropped my bags on the floor of AJ's room and sat down on his bed. He sat down next to me and flipped on the TV. I almost blew a gasket until I realized he couldn't understand a thing on the television anyway…he was joking with me. He flipped off the TV and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him back and let my hands wander around his body I could feel his rock hard cock on my thigh through his pants. That made me even more excited. He rid himself of his shirt and ripped mine clear off my body. My bra followed and AJ pressed our naked upper half's together which sent a surge of electricity through my body. He licked my ear lobes while his other hand began to pull down the zipper on my skirt. He took my skirt off and then pulled my panties down with his teeth, which was highly erotic. I realized I was completely naked and almost got nervous. He quickly rid himself of his pants and began to grind our fully naked bodies together. He soon resumed his position between my legs and lapped at my clit while I squirmed helplessly and called out his name. I felt pressure building in my body and then it was almost like an explosion. I had a mind-blowing orgasm that intensified as AJ sucked up all my juices that were flowing from my contracting pussy. It took me awhile to come back to earth and when I did I was lifted back off by AJ's long cock sliding into me slowly at a torturing pace. He would pull out almost all the way and slam into me hard and fast. He kept doing that to me until I begged him to fuck me hard and fast. I began to feel that pressure building up inside me again and got so carried away; I dug my nails into AJ's back and tried to push him deeper and deeper inside me. AJ pumped inside of me so hard that the only sound in the whole room was that of our moaning and dirty talk and the clap of his balls smacking against my ass. I felt the pressure get stronger and stronger and AJ began to fuck me even faster then he was before, it was only a matter of seconds before my walls collapsed around his throbbing cock, while he spilled his seed deep inside me…

After I felt I would be able to walk again, I quickly got out of the bed and dressed myself. AJ got dressed also and asked if I wanted to get something to eat. I was famished so we went to the hotels café. We ate talked and goofed around and when the guys came back the next day, we acted the same, I think we may be the only set of friends who fuck and stay friends afterwards. Nick is still horrible in bed but we are working on that and I think pretty soon, I can teach him how I want it…if it weren't for AJ I wouldn't have known how I want it…