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AJ walked into his house and promptly got pissed to see Amanda sitting at the computer on that "Fucking" AOL IM with her friend who was at least 7 or 8 years older than her. AJ couldn't believe that he let his mother talk him into taking her in for two weeks while her and Amanda's mom went to Cancun. He was half-angry that she tied up the phone and half pissed that she was too gorgeous to even stand up to. He walked to the computer room and asked her twice to log off, Amanda looked at him like he had shit on his face and continued typing. He felt his blood start to boil and finally just yanked the cord out the wall. Amanda got so pissed she walked up to him and slapped him on the face. AJ had the right mind to slap her back, but instead he gripped her face in his hands and kissed her roughly…forcing his tongue in her mouth.

Amanda resisted at first but finally let his tongue into her mouth. He reached his hand under her skirt and ripped her panties from underneath. Amanda almost backed down…she wanted to so much, but she didn't want AJ to know she was a virgin. AJ pulled her top off of her and resumed the kiss, while sliding his jacket off of his shoulders. Amanda began to feel wetness between her legs and she took that as a signal to let AJ continue. AJ used one hand to undress himself and the other to rub lightly over her clit. He was silently cursing himself for fooling around with a 16-year-old…that quickly faded when he felt her wetness…that didn't feel 16 at all. He let her hands roam his body and shuddered at the effect she was having on him. Little did AJ know that this was the first time Amanda had been so close to a naked man. Amanda was so excited that she forgot about the small problem of never having done this before or doing it with a 22-year-old man. AJ pulled her closer to him and slipped one finger inside her, he noticed a little resistance. He never thought about the fact she might be a virgin until then…he figured she was, but instead of that turning him off; it made him even more excited and he felt he had to take her right then. He knocked the whole computer to the ground and lifted her onto the desk. He finally rid her of her skirt and placed his hungry mouth at the center of her being. As he licked passionately at her swollen clit, Amanda felt her orgasm begin to come, just because she was a virgin didn't mean she hadn't had one before. She gripped AJ freshly bleach hair and begged him to make her come. AJ did as he was told plunging his tongue deep inside her. Amanda came violently pulling at his hair as hard as she could…revenge for knocking down the computer. Even though AJ was taking her virginity he had no intention of being nice about it…he slammed his cock into her tight hole and let it settle there for a minute. Amanda had to bite back the tears that she wanted to let go of as AJ slowly tried to stretch her virgin hole. He finally decided to just fuck her like he would anyone else, he might have been nicer about it if she wasn't such a bitch to him. He pulled almost all the way out and thrust back into her suddenly. Amanda just dug her nails into his back so that he could feel some pain too. In reply to her nail digging he bit on her nipple a little to hard…Amanda retaliated by leaving a wound on his neck with her teeth. Their sex was becoming very violent. Amanda tried her hardest to pull all his hair out and leave his back raw. AJ slammed into her as hard as he could while painfully pinching and biting her all over. The strange part was they both found it terribly erotic. AJ finally began to feel the beginning staged of an orgasm. Amanda who thought nobody has an orgasm their first time was about to come again and she soon did yanking at AJ's hair harder than before. AJ came soon after pulling her hair this time and pushing his cock in as far as it would go.

After they fixed up their aching bodies they both fell asleep on the couch…needless to say, Amanda spent less time on AOL IM and more time on AJ'S P-E-N-I-S….