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Amanda's Birthday

Amanda walked into her house and her mouth hit the floor, She saw her best friend Brian doing a keg stand and her boyfriend A.J., who was very drunk taking tequila shots with Kevin. It was just a little get together, just the guys and her, but it looked like the fun started without her. Nick was already passed out on the couch.Howie was the designated driver." Hi Howie" Amanda said while taking off her shoes, he was the only one sober enough to talk straight."Hey Amanda, you think I should get them home now" He asked her" Yeah I think that would be a really good idea" Amanda said, she was pissed, Alex was so drunk, she guessed he forgot today was their 1 year aniversary." Oh well" she thought to herself while Howie got Kevin, Nick, and Brian out the door. "Bye Amanda" Howie said as Nick threw up in a rose bush.

"Alex get up" she said to Aj who was licking tequila off the kitchen floor. " Ok, Baby, you know you look really, awfully sexy, when your angry" He slurred at her.Amanda smacked him hard across the face, like I said she was really angry." Ok, what that for" Alex still slurred and missed words while he was talking. " I'm going to punish you Alex" Amanda said with a very seductive look in her eyes."Really" Alex said slipping his arm around her waist."Yes" Amanda said pushing him back onto the counter." I think you owe me mind blowing sex for ruining our aniversary" Amanda said putting on her best baby face. " Well you know I can always do that" Alex said before consuming her mouth with his own. As the kiss deepened, Alex began to swiftly get Amanda out of her clothes.She did the same, and pretty soon, they were both naked and roaming each others body with each others hands. Alex lifted Amanda up onto the kitchen counter and kissed her one more time before he moved lower. He started at her breast, taking his time on each one, making sure she ached for him. He kissed down her navel, paying extra attention to her belly button, he knew how to drive her wild, she was already trying her hardest to keep from pulling herself onto his rock hard cock. Alex stuck his head between her legs and teased her painfully with his tounge, he wouldn't stop until she begged, as he swirled his tounge around in the deepest part of her Amanda began her begging," Oh... Alex "she moaned " I need you in me" "what is the magic word" he asked her enjoying himself." Please" she moaned breathlessly. That was the only word he needed to slam his painfully hard cock into her wet womanhood. They both called out invoulintarily. As Alex picked up his pace, Amanda pulled his hair in her hands and begged him to go harder. The pleasure was so intense it made Amanda want to cry. Amanda was about to lose all sense of what is real or unreal as she felt her body explode with pleasure. Alex felt her walls contract around his cock and that set him off, he came seconds after she did, leaving both of them worn out and satisfied.

"Happy Aniversary Amanda" Alex said, Amanda replied with" you wanna give me my birthday present"..........