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Worth It

By Kel

"Trust me baby..."

He practically whispered the words to me and I couldn't help but find myself lost in his eyes. "AJ, I do trust you..."

His finger gently covered my lips and shielded me from speaking, "Good... now no more talking." Before going any further he smiled and placed his lips gently to mine pressing against them slowly. My eyes stayed closed with my mind lingering on how much I loved his kisses. I felt his hand slide down my body and then his fingers laced with mine. I opened my eyes staring into the deep chocolate color of his and smiled. "You ready?" he asked looking down at me before opening the door to the bedroom before us. I swallowed nervously and nodded my head.

He squeezed my hand reassuring me that we were doing the right thing and slowly turned the doorknob. As he pushed the door open my eyes fell upon a sight so romantic that it brought tears to them. Simple white candles burned all over the room giving it a luminous glow, a fire in the fireplace crackled warming the room perfectly, and a single red rose rested on the bed.

AJ led me to the bed and picked up the rose holding it before me, "Happy Anniversary Nikki." He smiled at the tears in my eyes and kissed me again as I took the rose from his hand. His tongue easily parted my lips and slid its way into my mouth. Out tongues danced together as his hands found a place on each side of my face. Pulling away, he placed butterfly kisses on my face, his facial hair tickling my skin and causing me to giggle.

Looking into my eyes with pure desire he made my giggles go away and replaced them with a breathy moan. "AJ... make love to me." He nodded and gently turned me around so that my back was to him and then removed his hands from my body. Breathing heavily I waited for him to touch me again. I felt his warm breath at the nape of my neck and it created goose bumps all over my body. I let out another moan as his lips found my skin and he began unzipping my dress. His kisses followed the zipper in its downward motion as he slowly pulled it down reveling new skin. Finally reaching the end of the zipper he kissed his way back up my spine and nipped gently at my neck as his hands slid underneath the flimsy straps of my dress.

He carefully pushed the straps from my shoulders, his fingertips moving across my skin with a feathery touch. As my dress fell to the floor leaving me only in my panties he pressed his body against mine. I could feel his erection growing and straining against his pants pressing against my back.

His warm arms slid around my body and his hands found my breasts as his mouth began sucking at my neck just below my ear. I tipped my head back resting it against his chest and grasped the back of his neck with my hand pulling his mouth towards me.

His fingers twirled and pulled at my already hardened nipples and I could feel my clit throb with each of his touches. Somehow reading my mind, one of his hands slid down my body and cupped my mound pulling me back towards him. I gasped in pleasure as he began rubbing his thumb over my aching clit through the thin fabric of my panties in slow measured movements.

One of his long slender fingers teased me as he ran it up and down the leg of my panties where the fabric met skin. I closed my eyes wanting him to go further and press the fabric aside so I could feel his finger inside of me but instead he turned me around to face him again.

His head dipped and his mouth covered one of my nipples and he bit down on it gently as I wove my fingers through his dark wavy hair. He moaned against my breast as he sucked at my tender flesh and I arched my back pleading with him to keep going.

He guided me to the bed and kissed his way down my body until he reached the hem of my panties. I grabbed the sheets in my fists and squirmed underneath him as his tongue darted out and licked the already wet fabric. "Oh God AJ…" I moaned pushing myself closer to his mouth wanting to feel it on me. He grinned and slid his fingers into the waistband and slowly moved my panties down my body kissing my legs as he moved. In just as slow of a movement as he kissed down my body, he kissed his way back up to my core and his face lingered over it, inhaling it’s scent.

I could feel his warm breath on my thighs and it was driving me wild. My heart was beating so rapidly I felt like it was going to burst from my chest. My clit was on fire and I had a death grip on the sheets. Pushing my legs apart a little further AJ’s fingers spread my folds and his tongue began a slow torturous movement back and forth over my clit. He licked, sucked, and occasionally bit down on my swollen bud making me cry out in pleasure.

As his thumb replaced his tongue in the attack on my clit I closed my eyes and felt shivers of ecstasy run through my body. His tongue slid into my dripping hole lapping up my juices and caressing my velvet walls. I began rotating my hips against his mouth as he continued to fuck me with his tongue. I could feel my walls begin to twitch and knew that my release would be soon. "Age please…" I gasped out in between my moans. "I want… oh… I… mmmm… I need you inside of…" He was making it extremely hard for me to form words as my release drew closer. "AJ…" I cried out as I reached for his shoulders.

Taking the hint he backed away and stood on his knees looking down at me. I tried to catch my breath as he pulled his shirt over his head revealing his beautiful skin. He grinned his sexiest grin as he pulled at his belt and chuckled, "You want this?"

"You’re such a damn tease McLean!" I sat up and knelt before him taking the belt from his hands and quickly unbuckled it. Pulling at his button and zipper I slid his pants down and ran my hands over his erection through his boxers. His hips naturally thrust towards my hand and he moaned closing his eyes. I grinned and placed a kiss on his stomach near his belly button. "Stand up baby… we need to get these off." I stood up on the bed and took his hand in mine leading him to stand up too. He chuckled at the fact that we were both standing on the bed as he looked down at the bed. I smiled and slid my hands down into his boxers feeling his tight ass with my hands. He stepped closer to me and pressed his bare chest against mine as his mouth captured mine in another kiss. His erection was pressing against me too and I couldn’t wait any longer to feel it inside of me.

I pulled away from the kiss and pushed his boxers down his body and he stepped out of both them and his pants. I ran my hands up his legs as I stood up again and then latched on to his cock with my hand as my mouth sucked at his neck. I licked up his neck to his earlobe and nibbled on it gently. "I want you… now." I whispered into his ear with a grin as I pumped my hand up and down his shaft.

He quickly led me back down to the bed and laid over me staring into my eyes. His tongue darted out and licked my lips before sliding back into my mouth as he pressed himself into me. I moaned against his mouth as he slid further and further into me filling me up. He took his mouth away from mine and let out his own moan as he began pumping in and out of me. I closed my eyes and rocked my hips in conjunction with his as he sent waves of pleasure through my body.

I wrapped my legs around him and he slid a little further into me making me gasp at the sensation. "Baby you feel so good…" he purred into my ear as I began to purposely squeeze him within myself with each of his thrusts. "Yeah Nik… oh yeah…" I could feel his speed increasing and the squeezing of my muscles was bringing me closer to my release.

I felt the waves begin to wash over my body as he hit all of the right places deep within me. I dug my nails into his back causing him to cry out in a pleasurable pain. I couldn’t hold back any longer and felt my release hit me with tremendous force. I screamed out his name as my walls spasmed around him and he shook with his own release shooting his seed deep into me. He continued his thrusts until we’d both lost all energy and our sweaty bodies lay together in a heap on the bed.

Still panting I ran my fingers through his damp hair pulling his curls back away from his forehead as his head lay on my chest. He reached out for my hand and laced our fingers together before placing a kiss on my hand and lifting his head to look into my eyes. A tear fell from one of my eyes as he looked at me with such love, "I love you Age."

He smiled and kissed the salty tear running down my cheek, "I love you too baby." He kissed my lips again gently and smiled down at me.

"Was I worth the wait?" I asked timidly looking into his eyes.

"Baby… if it meant being with you… I’d wait forever." I smiled as more tears fell and he wiped them away with his fingers. He smiled and kissed me deeply, his tongue sensuously exploring my mouth once again.

"You don’t have to wait forever baby…" I said breathlessly after our kiss. "You’ve got me now, you can make love to me all you want." I gave him a wink and giggled as he chuckled and his hand slid down between our bodies and he began to prepare me for another round of lovemaking.