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AJ sped down the freeway anxious to get home. After a long and particularly grueling day, all he wanted to do was get home to his girlfriend. Out of the two weeks they had lived together, he has only been home two days. Both of those days he was too tired to even think straight. Now that he and the guys had a long overdue vacation, he planned to spend every waking moment with her. With one eye on the road and one eye on his cell phone he punched in the numbers to his house. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Amy, I am on my way home." AJ shouted, the connection was bad.

"Good, I have a surprise for you when you get here." Amy said, then hung up.

AJ found that slightly odd. He would just have to go home to see what was up.


AJ parked the car in the driveway and made his way to the front door. He was a little worried when he noticed all the lights were off. As soon as he got in the door the scent of roses overwhelmed his senses. Little red candles were everywhere. AJ was pleasantly surprised and delighted. The candles made a trail that ended at a little wooden table. On the table was a note and a shiny pair of handcuffs. The note read:

"Meet me in the bedroom, bring the toy."

AJ was already completely excited at the prospect. He raced up the stairs and turned the corner quickly. A soft glow was coming from their bedroom. Soon he was standing in the doorway totally floored. Amy was spread out across the bed completely nude and in the most inviting position AJ had ever seen. He didn't say anything and neither did she. AJ stalked over to the bed, which was covered in fragrant rose petals. He set the cuffs down on the nightstand. They shared a soft and gentle kiss, drinking in the taste of each other. AJ was so into the act that he didn't notice Amy reaching for the handcuffs. As soon as she had them in her hand, they were around his wrists.

"What are you doing?" AJ asked, enjoying ever minute of it.

"Having a little fun!" Amy exclaimed producing one more pair of handcuffs.

AJ who was already as excited as could be, felt his cock straining against his jeans. Amy already had him tied to the bed posts. She reached under the pillow and AJ saw that she had a pair of scissors. Oh so slowly she cute him out of his clothes. Even that actions was extremely erotic to him. As soon as he was completely naked, Amy suddenly had a small bottle of Hershey's syrup. At a loss for words, AJ simply closed his eyes and waited.

Amy suddenly hopped off the bed and drug a chair to a place AJ could see it. He opened his mouth to protest, but Amy simply put her finger to her mouth in a "Shh" position and he didn't utter a word. With the syrup in hand she sat down in the chair. She put her legs over the arms so that she was spread wide open. AJ could see her wetness glistening on the lips of her pussy and he groaned inwardly. Amy lifted the nozzle the chocolate and let a tiny bit drop to her left nipple. To AJ's delight, she lifted her breast with one hand and placed the chocolate covered nipple in her mouth. She made sure that AJ could see her swirling her tongue around it. After what seemed like hours, she released the nipple, only to repeat her actions with the other breast. AJ's cock was so hard that it was beginning to ache with want. Finally Amy let her other breast fall from her mouth. AJ was hoping that she would come to him then. To his dismay and liking, she made a line of syrup down her middle finger and sucked it into her mouth. She moved it in and out until the chocolate was gone.

AJ was starting to think that she was going to make him suffer all night long. Soon he saw her hand traveling down her body. She let it rest on her soaking pussy. She let the syrup fall to the floor. With one hand, she parted her pink and swollen lips. With the other hand she began to tease her engorged clit. AJ looked on in ecstasy. His cock was standing standing straight in the air, the tip beginning to turn purple with want. Amy made fast work of herself, coming very quickly. AJ thought that at last she would come to him. Once again to his dismay and delight, she produced another toy from behind her back. A medium sized dildo. She smiled at him and AJ let out a soft moan as she glided it into her soaking cunt. She moved it in and out until she came again, her wetness running out of her cunt and shining her thighs.

After what seemed like forever, she sauntered over to the bed. She straddled her lover, letting her wetness moisten his belly. AJ was now begging her to slide down on his rock hard manhood. Amy smirked and leveled her mouth with his cock. She only gave him the pleasure of licking lightly along his shaft. AJ enjoyed the little bit of pleasure she was allowing him to have. He arched his hips off the bed hoping that she would completely take him into her mouth. She kept up the slow, sweet and torturous kisses along his shaft. Without taking him into her mouth, Amy once again rested on his belly. She let herself glide up his belly to his chest. AJ watched her every move, trying to anticipate what she would do next. She lifted herself onto her knee's, letting her cunt hover above AJ's face. AJ grinned when he noticed that she was lowering herself. Soon she was resting herself on his lips. AJ parted his lips and let his tongue dart out. He teased her clit and her hole. Soon Amy was riding his face with all her might. She came again, her wetness soaking AJ's mouth. He licked her clean, relishing the taste and musky scent of her. After that, Amy made him wait no longer. She slid down his cock, setting a moderate pace. AJ bucked his hips off of the bed in an effort to get deeper inside of her. Amy would raise her body almost completely off of him before slamming back down, getting a grunt of pleasure out of both parties. At the exact same moment that Amy felt that tingle in her abdomen, AJ felt his balls tightening. They climaxed together calling out each others names.


As soon as Amy felt strong enough to lift her body off of AJ's, she uncuffed him, flung the cuffs to the nightstand and let AJ wrap her in his arms.

"How was that?" she asked.

"That was the best." AJ said. Amy felt her hands being bound together, then heard the lock of the handcuffs.

"Your turn." AJ said, taking a post in the very chair that she was in.