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Chapter 11

Patrice was shaking like a leaf as she listened to the "robbers" actually make themselves comfortable and turn on the TV. She remembered the baseball bat in the kitchen. If she was going to be attacked she was going to bash them once or twice. She crept down the stairs quietly, trying not to make a sound. She grabbed the bat leaning against the refrigerator and stood still. Should she go into the living room, or wait right there? She thought about it until she heard footsteps coming toward her. She suppressed little whimpers that were trying to escape. The steps sounded heavy, whoever was "robbing" them was a big guy. Maybe there were several big guys. "Oh God" Patrice whispered as she prepared herself to swing. She could hear the guy breathing now. As soon as he walked into the kitchen she swung with all her might. The man fell to the ground, clutching his knee. Patrice's breathing was ragged and full of adrenaline. He cried out in pain. After Patrice was certain this guy wasn't going anywhere, she crouched down.


Patrice studied the man's face and then shook her head in disbelief. "Oh shit" she murmured. She backed up against the fridge in horror and embarrassment. The man was soon getting up, obviously not too injured. Patrice was now trying not to cry. "I am so sorry Kevin." She whispered as he stared at her like she lost her mind. Kevin looked as if he was fighting not to lose his temper. Patrice was praying that he would win. "What the hell did you do that for? Hello by the way_" Kevin asked and said, trying to walk off the pain. "I didn't know it was you, I thought you were a robber or something!" Patrice explained. Kevin just stared at her. "I am sorry." She said again. The commotion in the kitchen called the attention of the other "robbers", who weren't robbers at all. Just Nick, AJ and Howie. "What the hell is going on?" Nick asked, munching on a cold piece of pizza. "I just got whacked in the leg." Kevin said, he didn't sound awfully mad. "Why did you do that?" Nick asked her. "I thought he was a robber." Patrice said, color rising to her cheeks from the embarrassment. Pretty soon everybody was reduced to giggles, everyone but Patrice. She dropped the bat to the floor and left the room feeling small. She ran back upstairs deciding against a shower. She dressed quickly and sat down on her bed. Before she could stop herself she was crying. Not because she whacked Kevin in the leg with the bat, but because she couldn't even allow herself to feel safe. Not even with Brian. Her heart was still racing as fast as her body allowed. "It's okay...It's okay." She mumbled to herself. Her words were muffled by sobs. She attempted to calm herself down. She did her breathing and chants that her physiatrist told her to do. It just wasn't working. She couldn't shake the scared feeling that she had. She reached for her purse. She didn't like to resort to the Valium that her doctor wouldn't prescribe for her. She knew that it was illegal to take them without a doctor's prescription, but she needed to calm down. She dumped the contents of her purse onto the bed and shuffled through all of the stuff. When she found the pills in their bright orange container, she sighed with relief. After popping the top and choking down four pills, two more than she should have, she began to relax. She could literally feel the Valium working its magic.


Brian headed towards home feeling as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off his chest. Although everything wasn't resolved, he felt he had enough information to last him a lifetime. The prospect of going home to Patrice brought a smile to his face. It would also be the highlight of his day. He stepped on the gas a little more, anxious to get home to her. As he rounded the final corner he realized he was suppose to have company today. He smacked his hand to his head and hoped that they would just happen to be three hours late. To his dismay, there was Kevin's Lincoln Navigator in his driveway. He parked his car next to Kevin's and practically ran to the door. He had a feeling that they probably scared the shit out of Patrice. He barged through his door and immediately went to the family room. "Nice of our host to show up" Nick commented. "I am sorry, something came up." Brian said. He noticed Kevin sitting on the lazy boy with his leg propped up, he wasn't even sure if he wanted to know what had happened. "Where is Patrice?" Brian asked. "You mean the hooker that whacked Kevin in the leg with a baseball bat?" AJ said, not realizing the situation. Kevin shot him a warning look. "What did I do?" AJ asked. "She went back up to her room after she hit Kevin in the leg." Howie offered. Brian was losing his temper. "Why the hell did she hit you in the leg?" Brian asked. Kevin gave him an 'I don't know' signal. "She hit him for no reason, I say she is a psycho bitc" AJ was cut off by Brian hands around his neck. "Don't you even fucking say that." Brian growled as Nick pulled him off. "What is your fucking problem?" AJ demanded, shocked that Brian had even lunged at him like that. It was the first time that they had ever gotten into any kind of physical spat. "You just don't get it." Brian hissed. Kevin didn't like to see them fighting. Each one of them had become a brother to him and he wasn't going to let little fights rip their little family apart. "Everybody go and find something else to do while I talk to Brian." Kevin ordered. Nobody asked questions. They would find out what was going on in their own time. AJ went outside to have a cigarette. Howie and Nick went outside just to keep him company. Brian sat down on the floor next to Kevin and rested his head against the chair. Kevin remained silent. He always did that. It was one of his little tricks. The longer he stayed silent, the more each one of the guys would confess. It worked for Brian. He began to tell the terrible tale of the past few years, not leaving out anything. Kevin looked at him dumbfounded as if he were in the same state of shock that Brian had been in a couple of days ago.

"That is a heavy load." He commented, for once in his life he couldn't think of anything good to say. Brian just nodded his head in agreement. "Now do you see why I want her here?" Brian asked. Kevin answered honestly, "I see your point, but there is one problem_", "What would that be?" Brian asked. "She might have more problems than you can handle." He said. "I can handle it, I can handle anything" Brian said. "I know I can".

He continued to explain in a little more depth what had been going on. Kevin listened in shock. After Brian got to the part about Patrice's confession that past night, it was already 9:30 at night. Kevin, whose knee was now almost back to normal, herded everyone into his car and agreed that they would get together later that week.

After his house was empty Brian went upstairs to check on Patrice. He knocked on her door lightly and Patrice's soft angelic voice answered, "Come in."

Chapter 12
Chapter 10
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