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Chapter 15

Patrice woke up in a panic. She had relieved the worst moment of her life in a nightmare. She was shaking and breathing hard. She could feel a panic attack coming on quickly. She moved out of Brian's arms gently as so not to wake him. She went across the hall to her room. She grabbed her purse from the middle of her bed. She shivered and then realized she was naked. She grabbed her robe from her closet and then emptied her purse out onto her bed. She picked through the mess until she found what she was looking for. She popped the top off of her pills and counted 6 into her hand. She swallowed each one by one without water. Lying down on her own bed, she felt the familiar feeling of losing a real grip on reality. She took way too many pills and she knew it immediately after she downed them. She placed a hand over her heart trying to will it to slow down. It only sped faster. Patrice began to panic. What had she done? She knew way better then to take 6 Valium.


Brian shot from sleep. He was immediately aware that Patrice was not next to him. He thought the worst right away. She had left him. She took off into the night, never to be seen again. Brian threw his nude body out of bed and scrambled into a pair of sweat pants. His mind was racing 500 miles a minute and none of his thoughts were good. He raced across the hall into Patrice's room and was relieved, until he saw what was wrong. She was shaking violently on the bed. He was frozen in his spot. He couldn't think. After he got over the initial shock, he joined Patrice on the bed. "What's wrong?" Brian asked even though Patrice waved him away with her hand. "Baby, What did you do?" Brian asked desperation taking over his voice. Patrice just moved her shaking body into Brian's arms and sobbed openly. "I love you," she whispered into his chest. "I know baby, I love you too, but what is wrong?" Brian pleaded. Patrice remained silent. He held her tighter in his arms and scanned the room with his eyes, it wasn't until he shifted his weight did he figure out the problem. Brian felt himself sitting on something hard. He pulled out the object and it took a good minute for the whole thing to sink in. As soon as he could comprehend the writing on the bottle and Patrice's shallow breaths against his chest he went into an all out panic. "Sit up Patrice!" Brian demanded when he could move again. He grabbed the wastebasket from the floor and placed it on Patrice's lap. "Throw it up!" he yelled before he could even think about his tone. Patrice looked at him warily, by her look alone it seemed like she was emotionally tired. "Please!" Brian said, his voice cracking with fear. The fact that it looked like Patrice was considering hurt him to no end. She finally put her finger in her mouth and emptied the contents of her stomach into the trash. Brian wiped the fine sheen of sweat off of her forehead and then kissed the place his hand had been. "Don't you ever do that to me again!" Brian said, tears spilling out of his eyes. Patrice nodded her head. Soon they both drifted off into a restless slumber.


Jackie Littrell sat in the parlor with all the lights off. She heard her company come in and she was just waiting for him to make a grand entrance. She could feel his presence before she saw him. "Sit down." She said snuffing out her cigarette. The man moved to the chair and sat down with a noisy thud. "Did you do it?" Jackie asked.

"Just like you asked," he said smiling triumphantly.

"Good boy." Jackie said, crossing and uncrossing her legs. The man groaned quietly. His "thing" for older women had made him do some strange things, but nothing this strange, ever.

"Is there anything else you want me to do Mrs. Littrell?" The man asked trying to stifle his very obvious erection.

"Just get rid of her, that is all I want." Jackie said getting up. The man got up too and headed towards the door. "Wait." Jackie commanded, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around and was met by a fierce kiss to his lips. The man smiled at her widely and enjoyed the feeling of Jackie pinching his ass as he walked away. "You want let me down will you?" Jackie asked smiling the smile that her son inherited.

"No ma'am, I won't." The man said almost out of the room.

"Oh Nickolas, you better not!" Jackie said lighting another cigarette as the man disappeared out of the door.

Chapter 16
Chapter 14
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