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Chapter 3

"There is nothing to talk about" Patrice said feeling the alcohol make it’s way to her throat. "You know that’s not true." Brian said looking at the floor. "What I mean Brian, is talking isn't going to fix anything" she retorted feeling her bitter secrets taking surface. " 'Tricie, I want to help you, but I don't know how unless you tell me what is wrong". "Who said there was anything wrong with my life, maybe I like it just fine" Patrice bluffed, the alcohol making the room spin around slowly. "That’s bullshit" Brian retorted slamming his mug down on the table. Patrice became frightened and jumped from her seat. "What do you want from me?" She asked steadying herself in a doorway. "I want...I want to be your friend again, like we used to be." Brian stammered tears working their way into his eyes. Patrice felt the contents of her stomach rising faster into her throat and her mouth began to water uncontrollably. She leaned over and put her hands on her knees, trying to stop the nausea and dizziness. "Are you okay?" Brian asked getting up from his seat and put his arm around her shoulder. "I need to get to the bathroom." Patrice moaned trying to hold down the vile that was threatening to escape. Brian guided her through the narrow hallway. He peered into a door that was obviously her bedroom. He got her to the bathroom just in time. Patrice kneeled in front of the toilet retching uncontrollably. Brian held her hair back patiently until she was finished.


After Patrice was all settled and considerably sober it was 3:30 in the morning. She lay on the couch curled in a fetal position crying her eyes out while Brian looked on with a pained glare. Brian was at a loss for words and emotion. He didn't know what to feel because he didn't know what was wrong. He couldn't help but think that if he had been around and kept in contact he would know what was wrong. He could tell that Patrice wasn't going to stop crying anytime soon. He walked into her stuffy hallway and pulled out his cell phone. He dialed in Kevin's cell phone number hoping that this was one of the rare occasions he had it on. After four rings Brian almost hung up when somebody answered. "Kevin" Brian called into the phone. "No, it's Nick" Nick answered. "Nick, it's Brian,” he whispered. "I know, why are you whispering?" Nick asked. "Is Kevin around?" Brian asked trying to avoid a lengthy explanation. "Hold on," Nick said smacking into the phone, he was obviously eating something. After about a five minute wait Kevin finally got on the line. "Where are you Brian?" Kevin asked in his fatherly tone. "I'm with Patrice." Brian answered simply. "I figured that much, but when are you coming back?". "I will be back maybe tomorrow, I am going to ask Patrice to come with me." Brian said, shocked that those words were coming out of his mouth. "Bri, are you sure?" Kevin asked skeptically. "I'm positive". The words tumbled out of Brian's mouth as if he had no control over them.


Patrice's crying finally subsided, but she still lay in her helpless position on the couch. Brian kneeled beside her on the floor while her back was turned towards him. She took a deep breath and prepared herself to speak. "Please leave." She said, her voice hoarse. "No!" Brian said firmly, "I am not leaving without you." He finished emphasizing his words. "You can't tell me what to do." Patrice barked facing him. "I know but 'Tricie, just listen to me for a minute." Brian said, the desperation creeping into his voice again. Patrice looked thoughtful for a minute and then she said, "I'm listening”

Chapter 4
Chapter 2
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