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"Oh, my god Nena, I'm coming" Brian growled as he collapsed on top of her, panting. He promptly rolled off of her and fell into a peaceful sleep. Nena closed her eyes but the sandman wasn't as kind to her. She hated the fact that Brian enjoyed sex with her so much, yet she…she hadn't even got gotten close to orgasm for the last 3 months. She was hoping that this didn't mean that their relationship was failing. She thought about all the times that sex was actually good…for the both of them. She reminisced about the long nights of sweaty non-ritual lovemaking that wasn't the routine that sex had become now. She could recite her sex life like poetry and that is what bothered her the most. Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday night…if Brian wasn't away they did it. 15-20 minutes from start to finish, in the missionary position and only if he felt like it. Nena flicked her nipples into tight buds and felt herself get hot with desire as she remembered their lust filled romps in the bedroom. She let her hand travel across her navel as she could already feel the wetness lubricate her longing womanhood.

Brian woke up to a little activity on Nena's side of the bed. He was shocked yet turned on when he realized what she was doing. He watched as one hand tweaked at one of her swollen nipples and the other…well it didn't take much of an imagination to figure out what she was doing with the other one. He felt himself getting painfully hard and he felt the urge to stroke his cock like Nena was plunging her delicate fingers into her heat. He wrapped his masculine hand around his throbbing cock and began to pump himself gently so he wouldn't interrupt Nena. He heard Nena let out a little whimper and that did it…doing himself wasn't enough he needed to be buried inside her…he needed Nena. Nena thought she heard Brian move on his side, she immediately removed her hand from her now throbbing cunt. She was extremely shocked when Brian's hand replaced hers. As his fingers pumped in and out of her, she began to feel her orgasm approaching. Brian removed his fingers at the slightest twitch of her cunt…he didn't want her coming so soon. He soon replaced his fingers with his tongue. As Nena tried to wiggle out the way of his torturing tongue he held her still, forcefully; this was out of character for him and made Nena even more lustful then she was before. Nena allowed Brian to torture her for at least an hour before she felt like she couldn't take it anymore…she begged him to fuck her or she swore she would explode. Brian finally rammed his throbbing, swollen cock into her with all his might causing the first of a series of mind-blowing orgasms for Nena. He slammed into her with urgency and technique causing the waves of pleasure to consume her over and over again and just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore he would make her come again…making her moan sexily into his ear. Brian felt his own release coming and pounded into Nena harder and harder throwing himself over the edge and sending Nena over one more time.

After they returned to earth Brian surveyed the damage to his aching clawed up back. He decided it was well worth it. He couldn't remember the last time he and Nena had had such erotic sex…that upset him momentarily, but he vowed to her and himself that he wouldn't fall back into normalcy.