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The Game

"Come on Beth hurry…I have a surprise…a little game" Nick said pulling his girlfriends arm into the dark lit basement of the studio they were recording in.

"Nick, shouldn't you be upstairs singing or something?" Beth asked trying to keep up with him.

"We have a couple hours to go eat…but I would rather have you for dinner." Nick said reaching back and lightly squeezing her breast. Beth tried to will herself not to get too turned on…it didn't work too well. Nick pulled her into one more doorway and shut the door behind him, and then he locked it. "Why did you lock the door baby?" Beth asked.

"So nobody will find us," Nick said somewhat shakily.

"I doubt anyone will find us down here" She said. Nick kissed her neck and slithered his hands down her body. Beth already felt the familiar wetness between her legs. She felt she couldn't wait anymore to have him inside her. "Come on Nick…" she moaned in his ear trying to get his pants off. "Wait…I said I have a surprise." Nick said reaching his hand under her skirt.

"Ohhhh…what is it?" Beth moaned.

"You will find out…just close your eyes and keep them closed." Nick said dipping one of his long masculine fingers into her wet center.

Beth let her head fall back as Nick worked his fingers in and out of her longing cunt. Then she felt his mouth on her breasts. "Mmmmm, I like that baby…it feels so good." Beth said weaving her fingers through his hair. Then she felt his tongue flicking across her clit…she sucked in her breath. The feeling of his tongue flicking quickly across her clit and breast made her senses go wild…"WAIT how the hell is his mouth on her nipple and clit…at the same time?" she thought to herself opening her eyes. "BRIAN!" She screamed when she recognized the head that was furiously lapping at her clit.

"That was my surprise…are you mad?" Nick asked unlatching himself from her erect nipple. Beth shook her head as she felt Brian dart his tongue into her dripping wet cunt…she moaned quite loudly making Brian add two fingers inside her.

Beth's head was spinning and moaned into Nick's mouth as Brian bit gently on her clit sending her headfirst into a body racking orgasm. With her body still quivering from the after affects…Nick lifted himself onto a dusty table and lowered Beth onto his throbbing shaft. Beth cried out as Nick filled her up with his cock. Beth felt Brian's roaming across her back and down…slipping in between her crack. Beth tensed up suddenly…she held onto her anal virginity religiously. Nick stopped thrusting up into her too see what was wrong.

"I can stop." Brian whispered…sounding highly disappointed.

"No…that’s ok," Beth said relaxing her muscles a bit. Brian parted her cheeks gently and positioned himself at he virgin opening. Nick stopped his movements until Brian could get inside her…

"Are you ready?" Brian asked. Beth merely nodded her head yes. Brian thrust himself inside her and stilled himself until Beth could get adjusted to the feeling of him inside her. Beth felt a sharp pain and that was it…she expected it to hurt a bit more than it did. After she gave them the go ahead to continue…Brian and Nick establish a rhythm. As Brian thrust inside from behind and Nick from the front, Beth felt herself losing it again. "Oh God don't stop." She begged not sure which one she was talking to. "Oh, fuck…faster…please go faster." Beth begged feeling another orgasm coming. Brian and Nick obliged pumping into her faster, jolting her body in different directions. "Oh, shit…oh God…I'm coming now." She screamed. They pumped into her even harder as she came. As her juices flowed over Nick's cock he came into her, calling her name, followed by Brian who spilled his seed into her other end. They all stayed still for awhile trying to regain their normal breathing…

"I guess I will see you guys tonight." Brian said dressing himself.

After he left Beth asked, "What's tonight?"

"Round two" Nick replied pulling her into an embrace. "Are you game?" He asked her.

"I'm game." Beth replied kissing him fully on the lips…