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By Amanda

Brian came home from a long day in the studio and slowly made his way upstairs, when he opened his bedroom door anger ran through his veins. Howie, one of his best friends and his girl friend, Nena, of 2 years, fucking on his bed.

"Finished?" He asked stepping in to the room. Howie jumped from the bed pulling his boxer's on as Nena pulled the covers over her naked flesh. "Brian, man I'm sorry." Howie said knowing what was going on.

"It's ok D see you tomorrow." Brian said. Nena held on to the covers for dear life as Brian walked around the room. He pulled his sweatshirt over his head leaving his upper half-naked as he watched Nena. "I don't know why you care if I see you naked or not since you just fucked my best friend." He said pulling the covers from the bed. He licked his lips as his eyes roamed over her body.

"B-Brian I'm sorry, please don't…" Nena said softly, she knew what he was going to do and he was making her wet with desire but also fearful of how he was going to do it.

"Please don't what? Fuck you? It seems that you want that." He said pulling her by the hair so she was level with him. "Isn't it?" He whispered softly. With his free hand he ran it down the side of her body brushing against her breast, rubbing her clit gently, before his hand ran behind her and grabbed her wrists. He let go of her hair and pushed her back on the bed. He straddled her waist leaning over and pulling two pairs of handcuffs out.

"Brian please don't."

"Shut up if you know what's good for you." He said bluntly. He handcuffed each hand to a bedpost before getting off the bed. "So how would you like your punishment? Should I use my whip? Hmmm maybe I should torture you until you beg me to fuck you."

"How about you use your hand to get off, cause after this your gonna be doing that for a LONG time." She yelled at him.

He chuckled, saying, "That's what you think. Remember you should be begging for my forgiveness you're the one who fucked my best friend." He crawled on top of her pressing his lips to hers. At that second Nena forgot about that just happened and kissed him back. He kissed down he collarbone and his hand pulled her legs apart and he softly kissed his way to her mound only to pass it. He sucked on the skin of her thighs then back up. By now Nena was moaning and whimpered when he passed not touching her mound.

"Please Brian…"

"Please what?"

"Fuck me."

"Why should I do that."

"Because I…" She was lost for words her only thought flowed threw her mouth as she said, "I need you."

"Oh really, how bad?"

"About as much as you need me." She said feeling his bulge through his pants. He pulled her knee up, rubbing over it. Finally giving in he ripped his pants off making Nena laugh at him. He positioned him self between her legs a slowly put his tip in before pulling out again. He did that a few times before she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him deep with in her. At first he pumped slowly making her desire for him more until he couldn't take it anymore and thrusted faster and harder in to her. Nena's cries of pleasure were heard through the house as they climaxed together. When Brian started to breath normally he climbed off Nena keeping her handcuffed to he bed and said, "Now what was that about me having to use my hand for a long time? I'll see you in a few hours when I want more." He grinned leaving Nena screaming her head off. "Man D that was fun now I get to keep her there." He said to Howie who helped him plan the whole thing....