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Port of Call

Nena and Brian had been friends for years. Starting in junior high school when they sang in the chorus together. The two were practically joined at the hip all the way up to graduation from high school. Although they spent so much time together, they never dated each other. Truthfully, Nena had never given it much thought until the day Brian announced he was joining the Navy. Nena's heart broke to think of Brian's leaving.

She begged for him to stay but he told her he had a sense of duty and needed to go. Brian left for his training and was then assigned to an aircraft carrier based out of Pensacola, Florida. Nena did not see him before he went out to sea. It had been almost two years since she had actually seen him. They wrote each other almost every day but it was not the same. Nena longed for the time that she could again look into his beautiful blue eyes.

While she was separated from Brian, Nena came to realize just how much she loved him. She dreamed of him nightly and longed to feel his arms around her. Nena received a letter telling her that he was on the way home. She immediately hopped a plane and flew to Florida. She had to be there to welcome him home and she hoped in return he would welcome her into his heart.

Nena paced back and forth down the pier waiting for the ship's arrival. Off in the distance she could see the ship. A good 45 minutes later the ship began to dock at the pier. Nena frantically looked over the sailors on the deck looking for Brian. Finally, she found him.

He stood at attention staring at the horizon like he was instructed to do. He was dressed in a white uniform. The uniform only reinforced his beautiful angelic features. His strawberry blonde hair was cut very short, although not shorn like most. His blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Even though she was far away she was sure she could see the water's reflection in his eyes.

The ship docked and the sailors began to disembark. Brian's eyes widened when he saw Nena. She stood off to the side of the massive crowd. Her small figure was draped in a blue sundress, which was blowing softly in the breeze. Brian stopped and watched as she tried frantically to pull her hair up. Her waist length hair black and auburn hair was blowing in the breeze and blocking her view.

Brian was so happy that she had come. He wanted her there but was afraid to ask her, he hoped that after reading his letter she would be there. Brian was afraid for Nena to know how he felt about her. He wanted her as a friend, but he needed her as a lover.

Nena saw Brian as we began walking towards her. They each began picking up the speed of their steps until they were standing toe to toe. No words were spoken as they embraced. Finally, Brian broke free and looked into Nena's sparkling green eyes. "I am so glad you are here, I missed you."

"I missed you too Brian."

Nena and Brian drove off the base and headed towards his apartment. They were driving along the waterfront when Nena begged for him to pull over. The sun was setting and the reflection on the water was so beautiful. Nena jumped from the car and took Brian's hand and began walking towards a secluded area of the beachfront.

"Brian I don't know if you want to hear this or not but I have to say it." Nena started out. "We have been friends for years and you know how much I care for you. But you being away has only intensified my feelings."

Brian couldn't believe it, Nena was expressing the exact feelings that he had. This could work maybe she did love him like he loved her. Without saying a word, Brian framed Nena's face with his hands and pulled her in for a kiss. He started out gentle and sweet but he wanted more. He began outlining her lips with his tongue, begging for permission to deepen the kiss. Nena gave in and their tongues began a sweet duel.

Brian and Nena's hands began to roam across each others bodies. Nena pulled away and began unbuttoning the white uniform shirt that Brian was wearing. He couldn't wait for her to finish so he yanked the shirt off and pulled his t-shirt at the same time. Nena gasped when she saw Brian standing in front of her without his shirt. She had dreamed of this moment over the last two years. They again embraced and Nena's mouth began to explore down the side of Brian's neck and over his chest. The feeling of Nena's mouth on his body sent electric shocks through his body.

Brian pushed Nena back and began his own assault on her body. She moaned as he caressed her breast through the soft blue material. "Are you sure this is right" Nena asked as Brian lowered her to the sand.

"I have never felt so sure about anything in my life" Brian whispered against her lips. Nena allowed Brian to slip his tongue inside her mouth once more. She couldn't think of anything that could taste better. Brian slid the straps of her dress off one of her shoulders and kissed the bare skin where the strap once was. Nena closed her eyes as his lips sent new feelings all through her body. She laid back into the sand and involuntarily screamed when she realized that a wave crashed over her. Brian tried his hardest not to dissolve into laughter. Instead he smiled and resumed the kiss. Nena rubbed her hands down his back, lightly digging her fingernails in his flesh. Another wave crashed over them, but they didn't seem to notice. Brian slid Nena's dress to her waist and fully exposed her breast. Nena flinched when the cold tide hit her erect nipples. Brian took one of her buds into his mouth and alternately suckled and swirled his tongue around it. Nena pressed his head to her body, almost scared to let him go. Brian finally let her tight bud out of the confines of his mouth and moved his attention to the other one. She squirmed underneath him, a combination of the fine sand beneath her and anticipation for what was to come. She fiddled with the belt around his waist; after she finally got it unbuckled she unsnapped his pants and slipped her hand inside. She shuddered when she grabbed a hold of his cock. It was everything she had dreamed of, and maybe a little more. Brian whispered sweet nothing's into her ear as she pumped his shaft slowly. Brian slid the dress over Nena's legs and tossed it, along with his pants in the heap that were their clothes. Brian looked at Nena's body, almost as if he couldn't believe what was happening. Nena pulled his head down to her lips and pecked him lightly on the lips. Brian smoothed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead like he had done so many times. For some reason it felt different to Nena, it wasn't the same endearing friendship kiss they shared before. It was something new. Brian kissed down Nena's jawbone snaking his tongue out occasionally. Brian tenderly slid Nena down in the sand so he could position herself at her dripping opening. He let his manhood slide along her clit, causing Nena too bite into his shoulder not too hard but not exactly soft. Brian let his cock rest right at her hole. He leaned in to kiss her once more. He sucked on her tongue and pressed lightly on her clit with his thumb. As he braced himself to enter her Nena called "Wait Brian".

"Did I do something wrong?" Brian asked, hurt creeping into his southern drawl which seemed thicker at the moment.

"No, you didn't do anything. I want to ask you a question." Nena said biting on her lower lip. Brian smoothed her hair out of her face again and held her chin in his hands. "Do you want me?" Nena asked playing with the curls at the end of his hairline. In response Brian kissed her softly on the lips and stared into her eyes. "Do you need me?" Nena asked staring back into his eyes that were clouded with passion. Brian took her hand and placed it back on his erection, never breaking eye contact. "Do you love me?" Nena choked out, her eyes filling with tears.

"More than anything on this planet." Brian said sliding his penis inside her. "Let me show you." he whispered in her ear. Brian glided in and out of her slowly. Nena closed her eyes and let the feelings consume her. "Let me look in your eyes." Brian managed to say. Nena opened her eyes and looked into Brian's, searching for something but she didn't know what. "I love you, I really do." Brian half said half moaned dipping his head down for another kiss. Nena wrapped her legs around his waist; she wanted him to go faster. Brian found a comfortable pace and entwined his hands with Nena's. Nena called his name softly in his ear and whispered things he never thought she was capable of saying out loud. As Brian built up the pleasant pleasure in Nena's abdomen as well as his own his eyes never left hers and their hands stayed tightly locked together.

"Please go faster, make me come." Nena whispered then sucked lightly on his ear lobe. If Brian learned one thing in the Navy it was that he didn't have to be told twice. He plunged his cock into Nena as far as it would go in short, fast thrusts. Nena squeezed his hands tightly as she felt her orgasm approaching quickly. Brian picked up the speed a bit more feeling himself on the verge of exploding inside her. The waves crashed over them but they were oblivious to what was going on around them. Soon enough the waves of their orgasms crashed over them instead with Nena calling out "I love you" before her walls closed tightly around Brian's cock. Brian plunged into her once more before his seed spilled inside her?

Brian hovered over Nena with his now deflating cock still inside her. He ran his hands through her hair and said "And I love you."