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A Little R & R

By Beth

“Baby?,” Brian called as he walked into the house.

No answer. He dropped his bag and jacket in his blue corner office and went into the kitchen. No one. He kicked his socks and shoes off and went upstairs. He padded down the hall to their bedroom.

“ Mandy?,” he called.

“ I’ll be out in a minute!,” she called back from the bathroom.

Brian smiled when he heard her soft voice and began unbuttoning his shirt. He felt her soft hands slip around his waist and kiss his neck softly.

“ Mmmm, I could come home to this everyday,” he smiled turning around to kiss her,” Damn,” he murmured.

She put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him to her for a hot, wet kiss while her fingers played with the curls at the back of his neck. She knew this drove him crazy.

Brian moaned into their kiss. Mandy pulled back and smirked at him,” You’ve had a hard day of work and I think you should relax,” she said a sultry voice guiding him to the bed.

Brian smirked as she pushed him down onto the bed. He took in her black negligee that had left hardly anything to the imagination. It was practically transparent. He ran his hand up her soft thigh.

She pushed his hand away,” Mm, not tonight. It’s my turn to please you.”

She pushed him back against the wine colored silk sheets on the bed and straddled his legs. She slowly worked his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. She smiled seductively and ran her finger over his lips, down his chest, circling each male nipple and over the bulge in his pants. He moaned at her touch. She smirk and worked his tank over his head and it followed the same path as his other shirt. She leaned down and kissed his shoulders softly. Mandy left a trail of kisses up his shoulder muscle and ran her tongue back down it. Brian moaned,” Oh holy hell…”

She smirked and did the same to him on the left shoulder. She continued kissing his chest. She ran her tongue down the scar from his heart surgery and over his right nipple. Brian groaned and tangled his hands in her hair as she flicked her tongue out over the hard nub. Brian’s breathing became more erratic as she continued to tease his sensitive nipples.

“ Um, ooohhhh,” he moaned,” Baby I’m gonna cum…if…”

She suddenly stopped and began kissing and licking her way down his smooth chest and stomach. She traced the outline of his firm abs with her tongue. Brian drew in a sharp breath and she smirked in satisfaction. She undid his belt and the button on his jeans. She looked up into Brian’s blue eyes as she undid his zipper with her teeth. Brian grinned at her and caressed her cheek with his thumb and ran it over her lips.

“ Lift up,” she smiled.

Brian obeyed and she tossed his pants to the floor. His arousal was evident and was straining against the fabric of his boxers. She smirked and ran her nails over his hardness.

“ Mmm, don’t tease,” he said.

She smiled and ran her hands over his chest licking at the waistline of his boxers. Brian’s cock got even harder as she did this. She dipped her tongue into his belly button and swirled it around and continued to kiss up his chest. She sucked one of his hard nipples into her mouth and bit down causing him to cry out in pleasure. She moved over to the other one and licked lazy circles around it and blowing on the wet nipple,” Oh fuck…”

She smiled and began sucking on his neck and nibbling on his ear lobe. Brian shuddered at her touch. He ran his hands down her back and cupped her ass in his hands. She pushed his hands away,” No,” she said with a sultry grin.

He smirked as she ran her fingers under the waist band of his boxers and began pulling them down. She tossed them to the floor and took in all of his hard cock that was oozing pre cum. She ran her nails down his length and pushed her long blonde hair back and leaned down slowly running her tongue around his tip tasting his salty fluid. Brian groaned and thrusted his hips toward he warm mouth.

She smirked,” Does my baby like that?”

Brian nodded and watched as she lowered her mouth to him again and flicking her tongue over his purple tip. Brian moaned and begged her with his eyes to put her mouth on him,” Baby…please…”

His cock was painfully hard and he needed to come soon. She smiled and licked the tip and ran her tongue down his length and back up,” Is this what you want?,” she asked seductively taking him all in her mouth.

“ Fuck yes!,” Brian cried as she sucked him.

Mandy moved her mouth up and down his hard cock sucking gently. She cupped his balls in her warm hand and massaged them. Brian’s hands were tangled in her blonde hair guiding her mouth up and down his cock.

“ Oh god baby,” he moaned,” More…please harder…”

Mandy ignored him and raked her teeth up his cock and he exploded into her mouth. His hot cum filled her mouth. She swallowed it all and licked her lips,” You taste so sweet,” she whispered kissing him hard and pushing him back against the sheets. She grinded against him making him hard again. Brian rolled them over and pushed her back.

“ My turn darlin’,” he said as his cute Kentucky accent came out.

She smirked as he hooked his fingers in the side of her panties and pulled them down. She was dripping wet and ready for him. Brian all but tore the nightie off of her and threw it to the floor. His mouth hungrily attacked her full breasts. He tugged on her hard, pink nipples making her gasp,” Mmm, um Brian…”

He smirked and licked lazy circles around her other and kissed his way down her smooth stomach. She whimpered as he kissed the insides of her thighs skipping her hot center. He ran his tongue down her slit and she moaned pushing his head closer to her. He chuckled. Mandy moaned as his hot breath hit her swollen clit. Brian parted her lips with his fingers and wasted no time in sucking her clit deep into his mouth. She nearly came then and there as he plunged two fingers into her. She rocked her hips gently in time with his fingers. Brian bit down on her clit and flicked his tongue hard over it again and again. Her chest was rising and falling quickly as he breaths came in pants now.

“ Shit baby,” she moaned,” I’m gonna cum…”

Brian suddenly stopped and pulled back as he felt her walls spasm.

She glared at him,” Baby…”

Brian smirked and licked at her clit. She moaned and her juices flowed in all over his hand as he pumped three fingers into her.

She arched her back,” Oh god…fuck Brian…”

She came down from her high as Brian kissed her. Mandy rolled him over,” You’re supposed to be relaxing mister.”

“ Really?”

“ Mmm hmmm,” she said running her nails down his chest and he hardened instantly.

“ Um, well why don’t you try and make me relax.”

Mandy smiled at him sexily and took him in her hand,” Would this help?,” she asked running his tip over her dripping pussy.

Brian moaned,” Um, yes,” he stuttered.

“ Maybe this will,” she said lowering herself onto him.

Brian moaned as her wetness surrounded him,” Oh…baby…I mmm,”

Mandy smirked and began riding him hard. Brian’s hands rested on her hips as she rode him. His hands fondled her full breasts and teased her tender nipples. She threw her head back in pleasure as Brian filled her completely.

“ Mmmm, baby,” she moaned as he rolled her nipples.

Brian met her thrusts with one of his own and she tightened her smooth walls around him,” Mmm, Brian,” she moaned loudly,” I’m gonna come…”

He slid this thumb between her wet lips and rubbed her clit with some pressure. Her hips started grinding into him faster,” Oh…ummmm, oh fuck Brian…I um, shit baby…Brian!,” she cried as she came her juices coating his hard cock.

Brian moaned as she spasmed around him. He came right after her. He shot is hot cum deep inside her. Her pace slowed as she slid off his lap and laid next to him.

Brian kissed her thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. She moaned.

“ Thank you baby.”

She smiled,” I thought you could use some R&R.”

Brian kissed her as they fell into a deep sleep.