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First of all, my day was already going to shit. Then my sister drops the fucking bomb on me…her boyfriend, his cousin and her where going on a one week sabbatical in the fucking middle of nowhere. Camping is just what I didn’t need…I am from California, I am the ultimate city girl. After much persuasion and even a bit of black mail, I found myself in the back a SUV on my way to hell. I couldn't see what was so great and relaxing about being outside for a whole week. I mean first of all…I had lots of things to take care of back at my office…after all I am a lawyer, my work never stops plus I had a very promising date…my sex meter was running on empty. Well I guess I should get back to the story I was telling you. Everyone decided that the Angeles National Forest would be the best place to camp out. I guess they were looking for seclusion, well let me tell you, there was plenty of seclusion. By the time we got there it was 3:00 in the afternoon, my ass was as numb as a dentist patients gums and I was grouchy very, very grouchy. My sister was dancing around just as happy as a lark while the guys were pitching the tent. I sat down on a rock until the lawn chairs and fire were started. "Hey…I guess we haven't really been properly introduced, I'm Brian," a voice behind me said. "Hi…I'm Melanie," I said staring at a rock on the ground. "I guess you didn't really want to come here," Brian said sitting next to me on the ground. "No…I guess I didn't want to…but it’s not that bad." I said getting a very good look at him for the first time. "Well…nature brings out the best in people," he said getting up. "I guess so" I called after him. My sister came and sat next to me as the guys finished assembling the tents. "So, what do you think?" She asked rolling up the legs of her pant. "What do you think of what?" I retorted knowing full and well what she was talking about. "Well…play dumb if you want…but I hope you like who you will be sharing a tent with for the next week" she said walking away from me. I wasn't about to tell her exactly what I thought about the fine specimen of a man helping his cousin assemble the second tent.

Pretty soon the afternoon turned into night and everyone was beginning to yawn in rounds. "Well…I think we are going to turn in now," Kevin said grabbing my sister by the arm. "I'm tired too," I said retreating into my tent, leaving Brian sitting by the fire. As soon as I changed into my pajamas that consisted of baggy sweat pants and a tee shirt, Brian entered the tent. "I figured I would let you change first," he said removing his tee shirt. I couldn't help but let my eye's wander toward his cut physique. "What are you looking at?" Brian asked slyly. "Um, nothing" I said pretending to be interested in the oh-so-entertaining canvas wall of the tent. "You don’t have to look away…if you don't want to" Brian said winking at me. "Um…I think…I think, I need some air," I said getting up slowly. Brian put a hand on my shoulder, "I think…your wearing too many articles of clothing," he said kissing the side of my neck. I felt my knees give out beneath me and was actually grateful Brian was there to catch me. He laid me back gently and claimed my lips in a gentle yet demanding kiss. As I racked my brain for a reason to resist, I figured I couldn’t come up with one. "I know you want this" Brian whispered into my ear softly. "How do you figure that" I asked as he slipped a hand up my shirt. "Come on Mel…your sister isn't as dumb as you think she is," he said running a warm hand over my bare breast. I silently reminded myself to buy my sis an nice Christmas present as Brian set my bare skin on fire with his touch. Brian finally got rid of my shirt exposing myself to him turned me on to no end. He pressed our bare upper halves together, sending a tingly feeling all through my body. His kisses were enough to make me come let alone his mouth suckling lightly on my hardened pebbles. I let out a faint moan that made Brian cover my mouth with his large hand. A muffled protest left my mouth. "We gotta keep it down…your sis and my cuz are right next to us" Brian whispered in my ear before nibbling gently on my lobe making me wetter, which from where I was standing was almost seemed impossible. Brian lifted himself off of me and shed his pants and boxers. He spread himself back on top of me and ground his hard cock against the outside of my pants. Before long I was quite aroused and whimpering with Brian's hand over my mouth. "Please…" I basically cried. Brian didn't torture me much longer; he slid my sweat pants over my legs and planted sweet kisses up my legs. Brian slithered back up my body and rasped in my ear, "Can we…please I don't want to wait anymore" he said, rubbing his cock against my dripping hole. I nodded my head not trusting my voice and with that Brian slid into me swiftly. "Oh God…" I cried out, Brian's hand wasn't there to stop it. His mouth stayed close to my ear whispering sometimes sweet, sometimes naughty nothings into my ear. "Spread your legs wider for me baby" he said placing my legs on his shoulders allowing his cock to drive deeper into the inter-most parts of me. "I'm almost there" I said, my voice barely above a whisper as Brian drove himself deeper and harder inside of me. "Come for me Mel" Brian said slamming into me once more before my walls grabbed a hold of his cock. "Oh Fuck" Brian groaned into my ear as he filled me to the brim with his seed. After the spasms stopped he rolled off of me and pulled me into his arms. Before long his breathing evened out and he fell asleep. I followed him but my final thought before falling into sweet nothingness was how much I love to camp…