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Our Last Night

Dawn stepped off the plane and surveyed her surroundings. She shifted her heavy carry on bag on her shoulder and began to walk slowly. As she reached the end of the terminal her big brown eyes lit up when she saw who was waiting for her at the end. She hadn't seen him in ages, but his blue eye's sparkled just as they did years before. "Lets go home" he said taking her hand.

The ride home was silent and full of tension. She hadn't seen him since the wedding and she harbored feelings of hurt and regret. As he pulled into his long spacious driveway decorated with lush landscaping, they both contemplated how special their last night would be together. He parked in front of the entryway and hurried around to the other side to open her door. He grabbed her bag effortlessly and took her hand. He kissed it sweetly before pressing his lips to her unsure ones. "Please don't tell…or think about Leighanne" he said leading her to the stain-glassed front door. He opened the door and led her into a large corridor. He dropped her bag down and it made a noisy thud. She jumped at the sudden break in the quiet mood. He stood behind her and enveloped her into a hug. He placed his mouth next her ear and whispered, "lets make our last night together, last for the rest of our lives". "Brian, I don't know if I can do this" Dawn spoke, her voice cracking with unshed emotion. Brian lowered his head so that he was eye level with her flawless face. "You don't have to" he began softly. "Dawn, I know…that I hurt you…I am truly sorry, I don't think I would be able to live the rest of my life if I didn't have at least this night together to hold onto…just give me one more night" he almost pleaded. Dawn waged a fast fought emotional battle inside her head as well as her heart. Her mind told her one thing yet her body told her another. He had married "that woman" and that had been the ultimate betrayal. They were supposed to be together. If he hadn't married "her", they would be looking forward to the rest of their lives instead of their last night.

"Let me take your bag upstairs, and you can see the bedroom" he said bending down to grab her things. As they ascended the beautiful staircase, Dawn drunk in the elegant interior of his house. "You sure have come a long way," she said softly, not trusting her voice. "Thank you" he said equally as soft not trusting his own. They walked slowly down a dimly lit hallway until they reached large oak doors. Brian opened them and they stepped into a large spacious bedroom that was done in a variety of blues. Brian again dropped her bag to the floor. Dawn looked around before her eye's settled on the bed. She imagined what he would do to her on the bed and vice-versa. She became swept up in anticipation and desire. They stood there looking into each other's eyes. Dawn looked over towards the bed once more and had visions of Brian making love…but not to her. She closed her eyes trying to make the visions go away. "Brian" she said abruptly. "Is there another room we…or I can stay in, I can't do this in here." She finished. "That’s fine," Brian said quickly guiding her down the hall into another room equally as beautiful. She mentally kicked herself for her moment of weakness. She wasn’t going to let it happen again. Brian shut the door leaving them in darkness. Brian ran his masculine fingers through her thick dark hair. Dawn let her fingers linger on the soft curls at the back of his neck. As his hands roamed her body, Dawn accepted his tongue willingly. As they engaged in the erotic duel of passion, Dawn felt all of her doubt and fear leave her with the touch of his fingers. As the minutes passed by, the kiss became more aggressive. They seemed to not be able to get enough of each other. Brian maneuvered her toward the bed. As they took small steps toward the soft bed where they would commit their acts of adultery, they shed an article of clothing with each step. Brian laid her completely naked form on the soft bed and pressed his naked flesh upon her own. She gasped at the contact. He once again put his lips to hers and let his tongue graze her eager lips. He kissed his was down her jaw line, occasionally snaking his tongue out to send little shocks of electricity through her entire body. He sucked gently on the crook of her neck, nipping at the tender flesh gently. She rubbed lightly along his back in a silent attempt for him to satisfy the need she had all those years without him. He licked a warm trail to her awaiting breasts. He rubbed his palm lightly over one while taking her other into his mouth. He made fast motions with his tongue around her sensitive nipple, and suckled on it lightly. "Oh Brian" she cried out, feeling there was no way to express the pleasure he was giving to her. He finally released her overly sensitive nipple from his flamed mouth and kissed his way down her navel. He lifted one of her legs onto his shoulder and licked at her slit lightly. She squirmed beneath him trying to push herself further into his mouth. He placed his thumb at her dripping hole and flicked his tongue across her clit at a furious pace. He pumped his thumb in and out of her body and relished every time her cunt would twitch around his finger. She began to move her hips in time with his finger and he knew that she was close. He lifted his head from her cunt and kissed his way back up her body. She whimpered in protest but he silenced her with another kiss. He kissed her passionately as he placed himself at her ready entrance. He rubbed his engorged cock along her dripping slit, getting moans of pleasure from her that made him want her even more. She moved her hips around underneath him, trying to make him stop the sweet torture he was subjecting her to. He finally gave in and entered her in a slow and long stroke. She clenched her walls around him heightening his pleasure to the extreme. He plunged into her slowly, moving his hips in a slight circular motion. "Oh God Brian, please go faster" she moaned pushing her palms into his ass. He obliged, pushing his cock into her, as far it would go. She wrapped her legs around him and squeezed in a desperate attempt for him to let her have her release. "You feel so good" Brian panted, looking into her eyes, which were clouded over in ecstasy. He began to slow down his pace once more until he felt her walls begin to collapse around his cock. "Oh yes" she called softly as she arched her back. Brian once again thrust into her as hard and fast as he could, when he felt her juices flow around him he lost control and spurted his seed into her. Dawn fell back against the bed trying to regain her breath. Brian withdrew from her quickly and once again planted his head between her damp thighs. He licked up all of her sweet nectar and tasted his self with it. Dawn tangled her hands in his hair and tried to pull him up. Brian refused to move his head and lapped at her clit until she came once more. He flicked his tongue across her clit once more, causing her to have a delightful spasm. Brian laid himself down next to her and wrapped her in his arms. "I will remember this forever," he said kissing her sweetly on the cheek.

Sometime around 4:00 am, Dawn grabbed her bags and walked out of the bedroom… She walked down the stair case…She walked out of the front door…and out of Brian's life…Taking with her, their last night….