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In The Window

Kevin looked in the window and felt anger course through his blood at what he saw. His whole body shook in rage…and emotional pain and agony at the heart-breaking image inside the window. He saw his wife…and his best friend and cousin…together. Maybe its not what it looks like he thought to himself. Just the image of his wife bent over the arm of the couch with his cousin Brian slamming into her mightily made his stomach drop to his feet and his heart pound angrily almost as if his own heart was trying to escape his body and run away. Kevin tried to turn his head away; I must look ridiculous staring into my own window he thought. Tears burned down his cheeks when he saw that his wife was approaching orgasm…he knew what she looked like when she was coming…he thought only he had seen her like that. His tears quit almost as suddenly as they started, he still had the pain in his heart but it was laced with something else now…maybe the feelings of betrayal. I am going to kill them…they deserve to die pounded through his head…yes, they deserve to die.

Kevin made his way to the backdoor, he knew that they wouldn't hear him come in. He stuck a shaky hand inside his pocket and pulled out his keys. It took several attempts to get it into the lock…he finally got the door opened and took timid steps into the kitchen…Why are you so scared? This is your house you know…Kevin picked up his pace…where are you going…to get the gun…Yes, go get the gun. The voices in his head were talking in unison, making his head hurt almost as much as his heart. His wife's cries of pleasure echoed throughout the house making him stop and clutch his heart…the emotional pain felt like it was almost physical. They're heavy breathing and cries of ecstasy made him want to vomit…How could you do this to me? I loved you guys…both of you…why? The tears started up again…bitter tears. Kevin made his way into the library…where he kept the gun. Momentarily he couldn't remember where he kept the key to the gun drawer…then he remembered…underneath the picture…of him and his wife. He dissolved into quiet sobs again, but his anger fought with the sadness…winning the emotional battle. He opened the drawer and pulled out the loaded .22 caliber…he was ready. He made his way back into the hallway and towards the living room…Can you really take a life…No, not a life…Two. Kevin stopped right outside the entrance to the living room, took a deep breath and stepped in. He stood there…watching…waiting for them to notice…watching his wife deep throat his cousin…watching his cousin move his fingers around inside her…then they noticed. "Kevin, its not what it looks like" Brian said covering his now flaccid cock with one of the couch pillows. "Then what is it" Kevin asked pointing the barrel of the gun at his cousin. " No Kevin don't" his wife screamed as he pulled the trigger…I killed him…that was too easy…I love you Brian…goodbye buddy…Now as for her, Kevin thought pointing the gun at his wife. "Bye, baby" Kevin said pulling the trigger. His wife's body slumped over onto his cousin…Now, it's time for me to go…where…I don't know…Jail…yep, jail…you might get life for this…you can't go to jail…if your dead…You don't have anything to live for…KILL YOURSELF. Kevin positioned the barrel of the gun towards his head…Wait…you might live if you do it this way…do it the right way…you know what I mean. Kevin lowered the gun into his mouth…then pulled the trigger.

TV News Report: In breaking new this evening, Backstreet Boy's Brian Littrell and Kevin Richardson, along with Richardson's wife, were found dead this evening in Richardson's Orlando estate…although details are sketchy sources say that the police are treating this like a double murder/suicide. The remaining Backstreet Boy's, Howard Dorough, Nickolas Carter and Alexander Mclean couldn't be reached for comment. Stay tuned to this station as the story unfolds…I am Laura Diaz for channel 7 news…