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To Friendship

Brian pulled out Lena's chair and waited for her to sit down. Lena was absolutely thrilled that she was getting to spend some time with her best friend. Whenever Brian came to her town they would get together for dinner. The last time they had dinner together was 2 years ago. She didn't mind though, Brian had a busy life. Lena's life was a tad bit hectic as well. She was newly divorced and on the rebound. She was rebuilding her life from the bottom up. Brian of course was right there to lend a helping hand. He was always there for her. Ever since they were in Elementary School the two had been as tight as they could possibly be. He helped her find a place to live after her divorce from Steve. He helped her start a brand new business in a field she enjoyed, image consulting. Yes, Brian had always been there for her and she tried her hardest to be there for him.

"So, what are you going to have?" Brian asked, never taking his eyes off of the menu.

"That all depends on what you're having." Lena smiled at him.

"In that case, I say we blow this place and go to McDonalds." Brian said, knowing exactly how much Lena despised that place.

Lena didn't give him the satisfaction of answering back. The waiter came by. She ordered something that she couldn't pronounce and hoped that it wouldn't be too gross. Brian ordered some very French sounding wine. The two made light chatter all through dinner and eventually stuffed themselves beyond belief. Each had had one glass more of wine then they should have and both were reaching the giggly stage.

"How is life without Steven Lena?" Brian asked suddenly. Lena faltered for a minute, the happy smiling face that she was putting on for Brian had left momentarily. She quickly regained her composure.

"Everything is great, really." She said. "How are things with the wife?" Lena asked. She couldn't keep the tinge of bitterness out of her silky voice. She would never admit to herself or anyone else that she secretly opposed of the whole marriage. It didn't help when word got back to her that Leighanne was cheating with every eligible male in America.

"Fine." Brian answered. Lena stared into his eyes, daring him to lie to her.

"Okay fine, everything isn't perfect. I guessed you would have known that by now." Brian said taking some money out of his wallet to pay the check. "Let's get out of here." Brian said taking her by the hand.

They walked through the lobby of Brian's hotel until they reached the elevator. Once inside, Brian's happy go lucky mood was quickly heading south.

"What wrong Bri?" Lena asked putting a comforting arm on his shoulder.

"Don't ask." Brian simply.

"Fine." Lena said as they reached his floor. She knew when not to press a subject.

Brian swiped his key card and led her into his suite. Lena couldn't help but think that her house might be a tad bit smaller than the room.

"You want a drink?" Brian asked from the mini-bar.

"Sure." Lena answered joining him. Brian filled her cup with a shot of Jack Daniel's. Usually Lena wouldn't drink it; she found it to be the worst tasting alcohol of all.

"To friendship," Brian said raising his glass.

"To friendship," Lena repeated downing the shot. It burned her throat and stomach, but the last thing she wanted to do was spit it out all over Brian.

"I've always loved you." Brian said out of nowhere. Lena had to make sure she heard right. There was always the possibility that her ears were clogged.

"I beg your pardon." She said.

"I said, I have always loved you." Brian said, this time looking her straight in the eye. Lena was on the verge of tears. Why didn't he tell her this when she was about to walk down the aisle with the world's biggest asshole?

"What about Leighanne?" Lena asked.

"She doesn’t love me." Brian said. He looked defeated when he uttered those words. If this was another time or mood Lena would have completely agreed with him. She finally realized why she hadn't wanted them together. It was because she loved Brian. She leaned forward and kissed him. He looked slightly shocked. Lena immediately recoiled.

"What did I do wrong?" She asked

"Nothing, you didn't do anything wrong. I just expected you to slap me silly." Brian said taking her hands in his.

"Why would I do that?" Lena asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"Well, aren't you angry that I hadn't told you earlier?" Brian asked. For his answer, Lena pressed her lips to his, this time with a little more passion. Brian wrapped his arms around her body. She could feel his erection strong and evident against her thigh.

"Something loves me a little more than you." Lena joked.

"It's been like that since you picked me up at the airport." Brian confessed. That prompted Lena to press her lips to his again. Their tongues dueled together in a passionate kiss. They moved to the bed, shedding an article of clothing as they walked.

"I have actually dreamed about this." Brian whispered as he lay Lena out on the large bed. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth gently. Lena quickly counted that it had been almost a full year since her divorce from Steve. A whole year without the touch of a man was a long time to her. Brian moved his head down slightly. He let his tongue lash out against her neck, moving down to her breast. He flicked his tongue against her erect nipple before sucking it into his mouth. He let his tongue swirl around it before releasing it. He repeated the actions with the other breast enjoying the little gasps of pleasure that escaped from Lena's lips. Brian was now placing soft dry kisses down her navel, spreading her legs with his hands. He started kissing and nipping at the back of her knees. He moved to her inner thighs, sucking portions of the skin into his mouth. Lena was wiggling her legs in his arms with anticipation.

"Oh God Bri, please." She begged.

Brian knew exactly what she was asking for. He leveled his face with her heated womanhood. He let his tongue glide out against her slit teasingly. Lena raised her hips off of the bed in ecstasy. Brian probed his tongue deeper, barely touching her clit. Lena was positive that he was deliberately torturing her.

"Please, please." She begged over and over as Brian barely licked at her wetness.

Brian finally added a little pressure to his lashings, causing Lena to cum instantly. As she was coming, Brian entered her with a groan causing her to scream his name. He moved in and out of her slowly at first with long even strokes. She wrapped her shaking legs around him in an attempt for him to be deeper inside of her. He whispered sexy phrases into her ear, as he loved her. He told her how much he loved her, how much he needed her. He quickened his pace. He was now moving in and out of her frantically, not able to get enough of her.

"Oh Lena," he called as he came.

The two lay in the after glow side by side. Each had a smile on their lips that couldn't be erased.

"To friendship." Lena said.

"And more." Brian finished, wrapping her in his arms.