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Chapter 1

~*~ AJ and Tina ~*~
February 18, 1998

Dear Diary,

AJ didn't come home last night…and he just got in 2 hours ago, its 3:00 am. I got to spend a little time with the girls for a change. Sherry says she head Brian bragging to his brother about how they treat us. I don't care anymore, I just cry…

"Tina…Tina get in here" AJ called from the family room.

Well, I hear AJ calling…I better go before he gets angry…hopefully I will talk to you soon… Tina

Tina put her diary in-between the mattress and box spring and walked into the dimly lit hallway.

"Tina…TINA…get in here" AJ called from the family room. She walked slowly, scared of what he wanted. She stood in the doorway for a moment before alerting AJ of her presence. "Tin...there you are, what took you so long?" AJ asked finally noticing she was there.

"I was in the bathroom" Tina lied.

"Well come here, I want you to tie me off." AJ announced. Tina's head dropped. "Don't make me get up Tina." AJ warned.

"AJ you know I don't like to do this." Tina said quietly.

"You forgot to ask me if I cared." AJ said standing up. Tina walked timidly to the spot where AJ had all the "Works" set up neatly. AJ plopped into the chair, "You know what to do." He said laying back and closing his eyes. Tina held the lighter to the spoon and waited until the substance turned into the horrible liquid she had grown to hate. When she saw that it was "ready" she carefully picked up the syringe and filled it to 3cc's. Over the 2 years she had known AJ…this had been their nightly ritual for the past year. AJ wrapped his belt around his upper arm and tightened it.

"Are you ready?" Tina asked, her voice quivering. AJ nodded his head. Tina steadied her shaking hand and sunk the needle into the protruding vein in his left arm. Tina watched as his whole body relaxed and his eyes glazed over. She quickly tossed the needle into the trash and ran into the nearest bathroom. She dropped to her knees in front of the toilet and emptied the contents of her stomach…she hated to do that for AJ. When she was sure she was done being sick she lifted herself up and rinsed out her mouth. As she looked up she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her eyes looked so sad and tired, as if she had seen everything there is to see in life, she is only 19. She leaned back against the wall and let herself slide down it. She bit gently on her bottom lip as she thought about the hell that she called her life. She buried her head in her hands and willed the tears that were threatening to spill over to go away. She tried to think of happier times but it didn't work…she cried.

Chapter 2
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