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Fantasy Book Entries

Entry #1

Okay I have this fantasy, it doesnt really consist of Nick just that this is something I fantasize it is.....

I came home one night to an empty house....parents and brother weren't home, it was at least midnight, I didnt think anything of it and went downstairs to my room, a few hours seemed to have gone by and I heard noises upstairs, and I went up to investigate...(I know stupid me, but for someone who took kick boxing you'd think I would be able to defend myself) Well as I was walking around I didnt see anyone, I passed it off as the house making noises, cuz they do that....well when I turned my my back I felt a arm go around my waist and a hand at my mouth.....well now I am flipping out and do what the reflexes do and I throw this guy over my shoulder and I look down out of curiosity and low and behold its Nick Carter, only it isnt him.....he isnt the bubbly boy everyone sees him to be....HE was decked out tight black jeans that showed off everything that is great about him and a black wife beater.....well I get over my shock and make a dash for my room...(I know stupid right) well home boy grabs my ankle and I go crashing down to the floor, I dont scream I just kick, well that didnt work cuz he was inching up my body and he looked very pissed off, and stunned that someone my size (5'5) could do that to someone his size....well ne ways he is about eye level to me and grabs my hair and pulls my face closer to his....then he moves to! my ear and whispers..."That was a big mistake" then he sucked on my earlobe....well by now he was standing up and taking my me and my hair along for the ride, he then threw me over his shoulder and grabbed a bag and proceeded down stairs to my room, he opened the door and threw me on my bed, (Keep in mind I have a futon that is metal so it hurt) I tried to jump off but he pushed me back down and straddled me and took my hands and handcuffed me to the bar above my head, then he took some rope from his bag and tied my feet to the foot bar (Or board)after that was done with he turned off the big light and turned on an overhead light that is black lighting and so the room has got that freaky vibe, which not only heaightens my anticipation but my thoughts, along the lines of "OMG THE Nick Carter is one kinky son of a bitch, LOL" any who back to the story, Nick came back over to me and sat down on the edge of the bed just looking at I speak up....."Just what in the hell ! is your malfunction Nick" I say...."Oh feisty, well I had a thought....." "Not too many now, wouldnt want you hurting yourself" I interrupted with, that was followed by a slap across my face, but not hard enough to make a mark...."As I was saying I had thought, I thought that I should come and see my number one fan....and pay you thanks for being such a great supporter of me and the guys." "How did you find me, I havent sent anything to you or any one for that matter?" I asked....."But you have a website and your pix are on the web, doesnt take a genious to figure you put it this way I have been having someone follow you for the past week, and with no one being home tonight I figured what the hell, why not stop by." He replied....."Your sick, you know that." I tell him this along with other lines of obceneties....of course he just sits there and laughs at me, then I noticed that he was digging through his bag for something, I finally asked him what his plans were for me.....and he simply replied that he was going to have his way with me.....supposedly I have been chatting with him for a few months and that one night we had cybersex, and that I told him what one of my fantasies were among others, but after he said that he was the one talking to me after all them months I was heavily embarrased I didnt notice him climbing on top of me, I look at him as he does me and see that he was running his hands all over my head and face, he bent over and captured my bottom lip and took it between his teeth and nibbled slightly on it, the complete moron I am, I moan giving him the cue to kiss me deeply, by him thrusting his tongue in my mouth of course I oblige (Wouldnt You?) he then descened down my jaw line to my neck, kissing nipping and sucking on it, I instinctavely tilt my head back to give him more access and he continued his trek on down my neck to upper chest then he stopped, I saw him reach over to his bag and pull out a pocket eyes widen with fear as I saw the blade...."Nick whatever you want it yours just please dont...."Hush, I am not gonna cut you up, I aint like that" as he replied he took the straps of my Tank top, and cut those and cut a line down the center of my shirt....almost immediately my breasts come tumbling out....and Nick looked like a kid in a candy store.....he threw the knife to the side and continued to kiss down my chest and stopped at my right breast and grabbed it roughly while tweaking my nipple between his forefinger and thumb.....while he is grabbing my chest roughly with his big manly hands, he is tightly sliding his hands down on my body, hooking his thumbs on my waistband of my pants he pulls them down them down my legs and then runs his hands over my thighs to my under wear he slightly rubs his hand over my heat teasing me, and looking at my face to see my reactions, he speaks...."You are a nasty bitch, my hands will dominate you while you will con! tort in pure ecstacy but if I hear one living sound other than your breathing, it will become less pleasurable for you and more so for me!" after he gave me orders he continued with his assault on my center, he rips my underwear from my body and he retreives the knife from the floor, so he could use it a little more, he looks at me with pure lust and desire with a sprinkle of his cocky smirk, then he goes back to the task at hand. He takes the knife and glides the tip up the side of my thigh and moves it to the middle of my body and where he finds the opening to my "Pleasure Dome" as he creeps closer and closer near me. My excitement in my body reaches to a higher scale leaning more to the scared part of my subconscience mind that he might cut me like jack the ripper having my thoughts thinking its a harsh cruel way to loose my virginity, but knowing in his mind he thinks its pleasurable....he takes his finger and tests my wetness, seeing that I am dripping with "anticipat! ion" he places the blade ever so gently inside of me and moves it around slowly and then with ever so carefulness he with draws the blade and brings one side of it to his mouth and his tongue snakes out and licks the one side of blade and then brings the other side to my mouth wanting me to taste my self, I wouldnt open my mouth so he took out a clamp from his bag and clamped my left nipple until I opened my mouth to the point where I would scream out in pain but stopped my self remembering his threat, I stuck out my tongue and he wiped the remaining substance onto it....he gave me that sexy smirk once again, knowing that I might be holding my essence in my mouth waiting for him to look away so I can spit it out, when he turned back around he noticed that I didnt look disgusted anymore, he loves to see my face contort in pain and pleasure, so a light bulb went off in his head, he reached into his "Bag of Trix" To pull out a black light candle and a lighter he lit the candle! and let it gather wax in the center of the candle, he bleeds it down the side of the candle onto my clit...just to see if my facial expression changed.....It did, to complete and utter pain. He bends over to blow on the hot wax, I notice his mouth widening to jerk his head down to bite the candle wax off, while his teeth grind against my clit, I feel a surge of excitment run through my body, while his mouth was fixiated on my clit he took it upon himself to plunge 2 fingers into my folds, I immidately buck my hips upward he took his free arm and places it across my hips to keep me from bouncing all over the place....he continues to heighten my "senses" to the brink of no return and when he is finished he looks at me while he licks his fingers off, he he crawls up onto my body, "Did my kinky bitch like that?" all I could do to reply was nod furiously, as he rubs his thumb across my cheek towards my hair, he whispers in my ear "Good...Very good....that is what I! want to hear, even though you cant speak I want to see it" tilting my head back he licks the spot where the adams apple would be he licks a trail from there to my chin and laughs in my face softly, he quickly sheds off his shirt then roughly holds me down with his left hand and quickly his right hand goes to his button and fly, and inches down his pants to his knees, I quickly noticed that he is not wearing no underwear at all, I also noticed that he has ahold of his long hard throbbing shaft, He slides his left hand from my body he turns slightly to untie my legs, after he is done with that he lays his body upon mine and roughly thrusts into me and just stops and looks at me, giving me the permission to scream, and I did, he takes my legs and places them around his waist and he slowly and teasingly moves around inside of me, I thrust my hips upward trying to get him to continue with his movements he complys and thrusts into me with lond hard strokes, I moan his name loudly as I come close to the edge of my orgasm.....Nick plummets into me a few more times and I clench my walls around his member, and that was all it took for him to spill his warm seed inside of me he noticed that I havent hit my peak yet, so he reached between us and he pinched my clit and that was all it took for me to wake up......

Intense isnt it.......

Entry #2

Just plain having sex with Nick... that's all I have to say, ya know? He's hott as hell and looks like he'd be a good fuck. C-ya.

Entry #3

hey there...I have come to add my fantasy about my fave BSB...AJ! anyhoo, here goes:

AJ walked into my room remembering that he had forgotten his jacket. He silently opened the door. His eyes went wide at the sight before him. I was asleep on my bed with nothing but my sheets covering me. AJ gulped as he felt a huge bulge form in his pants. He had seen me naked before when I was younger since we had been friends all of our lives. But this was different. I was now an adult. I was twenty-one years old. He saw his jacket resting on a chair just beside my bed. He reached for it. Just as he did, I shifted and the sheets moved exposing my breast to the moonlight. AJ tightened further. I shifted again exposing the other one to the moonlight aswell. AJ felt his arousal strain against his jeans. Good Lord he had wanted me a long time but had been too scared to tell me. He reached out and stroked my breast. I felt a heat pass through me and I woke up only to come face to face with AJ. I blushed deeply and pulled the covers up to cover my chest. " No need..." He whispered in my ear. " Wha-why?" " I-I have wanted you a long time and...I was just too afraid to tell you." I stared at him and smiled. " I have wanted you a long time too....there's only one thing though....." " What?" " I-I love you...." " I love you too baby....I have loved you since I first met you...." " Oh AJ..." He kissed me passionately causing my whole body to heat. my heart started to race and I kissed him deeper. AJ pushed the covers down. I looked into his eyes. No man had ever seen me like this and I blushed furiously. " It's ok...I won't take your innocence of you don't want me to." Always so understanding. I thought lovingly. AJ carressed my body until I squirmed with pleasure beneath him. I took passionate delight and wonder in all the new feelings that each touch evoked in me. My whole body was on fire. " AJ...Oh please...." I begged. He looked me straight in the eyes as he entered me. I gasped at the perfection of it. We moved together. I felt my passion rise and threaten to consume me. " Oh...OH!!!" I mouthed,unable to speak. Soon, we came together in an explosion of true, everlasting love. " Oh AJ...that was...." I was at a loss of words. " I love you babe." " I love you too." I felt my heart swell with love for him as we layed there in each others arms. " I the moon and stars in the sky...I'll be there...for better or worse...'till death do us part, I'll love you with every beat of my heart..." AJ sang softly into my ear. I felt tears well up in my eyes. He kissed me softly and sang the rest of the song...each word only making me love him more.

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